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  • NIMInterface is the entry point of NIM SDK, used to establish persistent connection with the server, log in, disconnect persistent connection, destroy the instance, implement device exclusion and more.
  • EventInterface provides methods for subscription and publishing events.
  • FriendInterface provides methods for friends operations, such as getting, adding, requesting and deleting a friend.
  • PassThroughInterface includes the pass-through data transfer protocol.
  • MessageExtendInterface includes APIs related to message extensions, such as thread messages
  • MessageInterface includes message APIs, such as sending messages, sending file messages, unsending message, and sending read receipt.
  • MessageLogInterface includes APIs related to message history, such as querying messages
  • SessionInterface includes conversation APIs, such as viewing conversations, resetting conversations.
  • SystemMessageInterface includes APIs related to system messages, such as sending custom system notifications
  • TeamInterface includes group APIs, such as getting, creating, leaving a group, managing group members.
  • UserInterface includes user and relationship APIs, such as blocklist, list of muted members, and my profile.
  • CloudSessionInterface includes APIs related to the session services on the server, such as querying the list of conversations and querying a conversation from the server.
  • CloudStorageInterface includes storage-related APIs, such as uploading and previewing files, converting shortened URL links to full URLs
  • SignalingInterface includes signaling APIs, such as creating and closing channels
  • SuperTeamInterface includes supergroup APIs, such as getting, creating, and leaving a supergroup
  • MiscInterface includes miscellaneous APIs like getting server timestamps in milliseconds
  • PluginInterface includes the APIs for extension services


The following are the parameters of NIM.getInstance. Here are only some callback functions. For the complete list of parameters for initialization, see nim/types.NIMGetInstanceOptions.

appKey [required] The AppKey of the application

you create in the CommsEase console. For more information, see Create an application.
account [required] CommsEase IM account (accid), the unique identifier of a user.

User accounts of your application and CommsEase IM accounts (accid) are separate. CommsEase IM account is only used for authentication by CommsEase IM service. The IM account** is not the user account of your app**.
token [required] The login credential of the IM account
This login credential will only be used for verification when users log in to the IM server (establishing a persistent connection between SDK and CommsEase server).
onconnect Callback invoked when the SDK establishing a persistent connection with the CommsEase server.
onwillreconnect Callback invoked for reconnection between SDK and CommsEase server
ondisconnect Callback invoked for disconnection between SDK and CommsEase server
onsyncdone Callback invoked when synchronization during initialization is complete.
onerror Callback invoked when an error occurs during initialization.
onloginportschange Callback invoked when the login status across devices changes
onsessions Callback invoked when the list of conversations is synchronized during initialization.
onupdatesessions Callback invoked when multiple conversations are updated online.
onStickTopSessions Callback invoked to return the pinned conversations during synchronization in initialization and online.
onroamingmsgs Callback invoked when messages for sync are synchronized during initialization
onofflinemsgs Callback invoked when offline messages are synchronized during initialization
onmsg Callback invoked when a message is received for multi-device synchronization or online.
onofflinesysmsgs Callback invoked when offline system notifications are received during initialization
onroamingsysmsgs Callback invoked when system notifications for sync are received during initialization.
onDeleteMsgSelf Callback invoked when a message is deleted for the current user during multi-device synchronization
If Device A calls deleteMsgSelf or deleteMsgSelfBatch and the same account is logged in on Device B, Device B can receive the notification that the message is deleted.
onbroadcastmsgs Callback invoked when offline broadcast messages are synchronized during initialization
onbroadcastmsg Callback invoked when broadcast messages are received.
onTeamMsgReceipt Callback invoked when read receipts for group messages are received.
onsysmsg Callback invoked when system notifications are received online.
onupdatesysmsg Callback invoked when system notifications are updated online
oncustomsysmsg Callback invoked when custom system notifications are received online
onofflinecustomsysmsgs Callback invoked when offline custom system notifications are received during initialization.
onsysmsgunread Callback invoked when the unread count of system notifications is received during initialization.
onupdatesysmsgunread Callback invoked when the unread count of system notifications is updated online.
onpushevents Callback for subscription event
Users can receive push notifications from CommsEase server using this callback for subscribed events online or during initialization.
onQuickComment Callback invoked when a notification for a quick comment is received.
onDeleteQuickComment Callback invoked when a quick comment is delete.
onPinMsgChange Callback invoked when the status of pinned messages changes.
onClearServerHistoryMsgs Callback invoked when the message history is cleared.
onSyncUpdateServerSession Callback invoked when the list of conversations on the server is synced.
onblacklist Callback invoked when the blocklist is synced.
onsyncmarkinblacklist Callback invoked when the blocklist is synced.
onmutelist Callback invoked when the list of muted members is synced.
onsyncmarkinmutelist Callback invoked when a member is muted.
onfriends Callback invoked when the list of friends is synced.
onsyncfriendaction Callback invoked when the you perform an action for friends. Friend operations include adding a friend, sending a friend request, accepting a friend request, rejecting a friend request, deleting a friend, and updating a friend's alias.
onmyinfo Callback invoked when your profile is synced.
onupdatemyinfo Callback invoked when your profile is updated.
onSuperTeams Callback invoked when the list of supergroups are received.
onSyncCreateSuperTeam Callback invoked when a supergroup is created.
onUpdateSuperTeam Callback invoked when a supergroup is updated.
onDismissSuperTeam Callback invoked when a supergroup is deleted.
onTransferSuperTeam Callback invoked when a supergroup is transferred.
onUpdateSuperTeamMember Callback invoked when the profile of a member in a supergroup is updated.
onAddSuperTeamMembers Callback invoked when a new member is added to a supergroup.
onRemoveSuperTeamMembers Callback invoked when a member in a supergroup is removed.
onUpdateSuperTeamManagers Callback invoked when the administrators in a supegroup are updated.
onUpdateSuperTeamMembersMute Callback invoked when an administrator in a supergroup is muted.
onteams Callback invoked when the list of groups is synced.
onsynccreateteam Callback invoked when the logged-in account creates a group on another devices.
onCreateTeam Callback invoked when a group is created
onUpdateTeam Callback invoked when a group is updated.
onDismissTeam Callback invoked when a group is deleted.
onTransferTeam Callback invoked when a group is transferred.
onupdateteammember Callback invoked when the profile of a group member is updated.
onAddTeamMembers Callback invoked when a member joins a group.
onRemoveTeamMembers Callback invoked when a group member is removed.
onUpdateTeamManagers Callback invoked when the administrators in a group are updated.
onUpdateTeamMembersMute Callback invoked when a group member is muted.


NIM SDK entry point used to establish persistent connections, login, disconnect from the CommsEase server, destroy the IM instance, implement device exclusion and more. For a complete list of APIs, see NIMInterface

Method Description
logout log out
disconnect disconnect from the CommsEase server
connect establish a persisten connection and log in
destroy destroy the instance.
kick kick logged in accounts on other devices
setOptions Options for initialization


Messaging APIs, such as sending a text message, sending a file message, unsending a message, read receipt. For the complete list of APIs, see MessageInterface

Method Description
sendText Send a text message.
sendFile Send a file message.
sendCustomMsg Send a custom message.
sendGeo Send a location message.
sendTipMsg Send an alert.
resendMsg Resend a message.
forwardMsg Forward a message.
sendMsgReceipt Send a read receipt for a private message.
sendTeamMsgReceipt Send a read receipt for a group message (advanced group).
getTeamMsgReads Get the number of read and unread group messages.
getTeamMsgReadAccounts Get the accounts that have read a group message.
recallMsg Unsend a message.
deleteMsgSelf Delete a message for the current user.
deleteMsgSelfBatch Delete multiple messages for the current user.


Message history APIs, including query message history. For the complete list of APIs, see MessageLogInterface

Method Description
getHistoryMsgs Get the message history on the server.
clearServerHistoryMsgsWithSync Delete the message history and messages for sync of a specified conversation on the server.
msgFtsInServer Full text search for message history on the server. The returned messages are categoried by conversation.
msgFtsInServerByTiming Full text search for message history on the server by time. Returned messages are sorted by time.
getLocalMsgs Get the message history from the local database.
getLocalMsgsByIdClients Get the messages with idClients.
updateLocalMsg Update the local messages. Only localCustom local custom extension fields are allowed to be updated.
getLocalMsgsByIdClients Get the local messages. Only localCustom local custom extension fields are allowed to be updated.
deleteLocalMsg Delete a local message.
deleteLocalMsgs Delete multiple local messages.
deleteLocalMsgsBySession Delete local messages by conversation.
deleteAllLocalMsgs Delete all local messages.
saveMsgsToLocal Save messages to the local database.


Event subscription and pulishing APIs, such as subscribing to an event, publishing an event. For the complete list of APIs, see EventInterface

Method Description
publishEvent Publish an event.
subscribeEvent Subscribe to an event
unSubscribeEventsByAccounts Unsubscribe from an event by account
querySubscribeEventsByAccounts Get the subscription of the specified event by account
unSubscribeEventsByType Unsubscribe from all the specified events by type
querySubscribeEventsByAccounts Get the subscription of the specified event by account
querySubscribeEventsByType Get the subscription of the specified event by type.


Friend APIs, such as get, add, apply, or delete a friendsc. For the complete list of APIs, see FriendInterface

Method Description
getFriends Get Friends
addFriend Add as friend without verification.
applyFriend Send a friend request.
passFriendApply Accept a friend request.
rejectFriendApply Reject a friend request.
deleteFriend Delete a friend.
updateFriend Update friends
isMyFriend Check if the user is included in the friend list.


Pass-through protocol. For the complete list of APIs, see PassThroughInterface

Method Description
httpRequestProxy Pass-through protocol


APIs for messaging extension, such as thread message. For complete APIs, see MessageExtendInterface

Method Description
getThreadMsgs Get the list of messages in a thread.
getMsgsByIdServer Get messages by message Ids in a thread chat.
addQuickComment Add a quick comment.
deleteQuickComment Remove a quick comment.
getQuickComments Get multiple quick comments at a time.
addCollect Add a message to bookmarks.
deleteCollects Delete bookmarks. The number of deleted bookmarks is returned.
updateCollect Update bookmarks, only custom fields can be updated.
getCollects Get the bookmarks
addMsgPin Add a PIN tag to a message
updateMsgPin Update the PIN message
deleteMsgPin Remove the PIN tag from a message
getMsgPins Get the PIN messages in a conversation.


Conversation APIs, such as querying conversations, querying a specific conversation. For information about the complete APIs, see SessionInterface

Method Description
getLocalSession Get the conversation in the local database by sessionId
getLocalSessions Get the paginated list conversations in the local database.
insertLocalSession Insert a conversation record into the local database
updateLocalSession Update a conversation in the local database
deleteLocalSession Delete the specified conversation in the local database.
setCurrSession Set the current session
resetCurrSession Reset the effect of "setCurrSession"
resetSessionUnread Reset the unread count for a conversation.
resetSessionsUnread Reset the unread counts for some conversations.
resetAllSessionUnread Reset the unread count for all conversations.
getStickTopSessions Get the list of pinned conversations on the server.
addStickTopSession Pin a conversation on the server.
deleteStickTopSession Unpin a conversation on the server.
updateStickTopSession Update the pinned conversation on the server (update the extension field of the pinned conversation.


APIs for system notifications, such as sending custom system notifications. For a complete list of APIs, see SystemMessageInterface

Method Description
sendCustomSysMsg Send a custom system notification.
markSysMsgRead Send a response to mark the system notification read, and the server does not need to send this message as an offline system notification.
getLocalSysMsgs Get system notifications in the local database
updateLocalSysMsg Update system notifications in the local database
deleteLocalSysMsg Delete system notifications in the local database
deleteAllLocalSysMsgs Delete all system notifications in the local database


APIs for group management, such as getting a group, creating a group, leaving a group, managing group members. For the complete list of APIs, see TeamInterface

Method Description
getTeam Get a group.
getTeams Get the list of groups.
getTeamsById Get multiple groups using group IDs.
createTeam Create a group.
updateTeam Update a group
transferTeam Transfer the ownership of a group. Only the owner has the permission to perform the action.
dismissTeam Delete a group. Only the group owner can perform the action.
leaveTeam Leave a group.
muteTeamAll Mute all group members
getTeamMembers Get the list of group members
getMutedTeamMembers Get the list of muted group members
addTeamMembers Add group members
acceptTeamInvite Accept the invitation to join a group
rejectTeamInvite Reject the invitation to join a group.
removeTeamMembers Remove one or more members from a group.
addTeamManagers Add an administrator
removeTeamManagers Remove an administrator
updateInfoInTeam Edit the profile of the current user in the group
updateNickInTeam Edit the nickname of a member.
updateMuteStateInTeam Update the mute state of a member.
getTeamMemberByTeamIdAndAccount Get the member by group ID and account ID.
getTeamMemberInvitorAccid Get the ID of the account that invited the group member.
applyTeam Request to join a group.
passTeamApply Approve the request to join a group.
rejectTeamApply Rejects a request to join a group.


APIs for managing users, such as adding a user to the blocklist, muting or unmuting a user, editing the user profile. For the complete list of APIs, see UserInterface

Method Description
getUser Get the user profile
getUsers Get multiple user profiles, up to 150 profiles at a time.
updateMyInfo Update the profile of the current user
isUserInBlackList Check if someone is in the current user's blacklist
getRelations Get user-specific data (blacklist and list of muted members)
addToBlacklist add a user to the blocklist.
removeFromBlacklist Remove a user from the blocklist.
addToMutelist Add a user to the list of muted users.
removeFromMutelist Remove a user from the list of muted users.
isUserInBlackList Check if someone is in the current user's blacklist


Only some APIs are listed here, for the complete API, see CloudSessionInterface

Method Description
getServerSessions Get the list of conversations on the server.
getServerSession Get a specified conversation on the server.
updateServerSession Update the conversations on the server.
deleteServerSessions Delete conversations on the server.


Server-side conversation APIs, such as querying the list of conversations, querying a specific conversation. For information about the complete APIs, see CloudStorageInterface

Method Description
previewFile Upload and preview files
getNosOriginUrl convert shortened URL to long URL
audioToText Audio to Text
stripImageMeta Remove metadata of an image
qualityImage Modify image quality
interlaceImage interlace image
rotateImage Rotate an image
blurImage Blur an image
cropImage Crop images
thumbnailImage Generate thumbnails
processImage Process images


Signaling APIs, such as creating and closing channels. For more information, see SignalingInterface

Signaling events are monitored using nim.on. For more information, see NIMSignalingEventInterface.

Event Description
signalingNotify Receive a notification online
signalingMutilClientSyncNotify Receive a notification for multi-device synchronization
signalingChannelsSyncNotify Receive a notification for changes of members.
signalingUnreadMessageSyncNotify Receive a notification for unread signaling message.


nim.on('signalingNotify', (res) => {
console.log('receiving a notification', res)
Method Description
signalingCallEx Call to join an audio and video channel: Create and join a channel and invite others to join the audio and video channel
signalingCall 呼叫: Create and join yourself, and invite others to join the channel
signalingCreateAndJoin If there is no room, create and join a channel. If there is already a channel, join the channel.
signalingCreate Create a channel
signalingDelay extend the validity period of a channel
signalingClose Close a channel
signalingGetChannelInfo Query channel information by channelName
signalingJoin Join a channel
signalingLeave Leave a channel
signalingInvite Invite someone to join a channel
signalingCancel Cancel an invitation
signalingReject Rejecting an invitation to join a channel
signalingAccept Accept an invitation to join a channel
signalingMarkMsgRead Mark signaling message received and will not store this message as offline message.
signalingControl Send a custom signaling
signalingJoinAndAccept Join a channel and accept and invitation


APIs for supergroup management, such as getting a supergroup, creating a supergroup, leaving a supergroup, managing group members. For the complete list of APIs, see SuperTeamInterface

Method Description
getSuperTeam Get a supergroup.
getSuperTeams Get a list of supergroups.
updateSuperTeam Update a supergroup.
transferSuperTeam Transfer the ownership of a supergroup. The group owner can perform the action。
leaveSuperTeam Leave a supergroup.
updateSuperTeamMute Mute all supergroup members.
getSuperTeamMembersByJoinTime Get the list of all members in pagination.
getSuperTeamMembersByAccounts Get members by account IDs.
getAllSuperTeamMembers Get all members in a supergroup. If the data is large, the members are loaded serveral time by the done callback.
getMutedSuperTeamMembers Get the list of muted members in a supergroup.
addSuperTeamMembers add a new member to a supergroup.
acceptSuperTeamInvite Accept the invitation to join a supergroup
rejectSuperTeamInvite Reject the invitation to join a supergroup.
removeSuperTeamMembers Remove one or more members from a supergroup.
addSuperTeamManagers Add an administrator to a supergroup.
removeSuperTeamManagers Remove an administrator from a supergroup.
updateNickInSuperTeam Edit the nickname of a member in a supergroup.
updateInfoInSuperTeam Edit the profile of the current user in a supergroup.
updateSuperTeamMembersMute Update the mute state of a member in a supergroup.
applySuperTeam Request to join a supergroup.
passSuperTeamApply (Administrator) approve the request to join a supergroup.
rejectSuperTeamApply (Administrator) reject a request to join a supergroup


Miscellaneous interfaces, see MiscInterface for complete API

Method Description
filterClientAntispam Moderate data on the client
getClientAntispamLexicon Get the keywords for moderation.
getServerTime Get the timestamp of the time on the server.