枚举值 |
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN | 未知错误 / unknown error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS | 请求成功 / success
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_HANDSHAKE | 握手错误 / handshake error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM | 非对称加密算法错误 / asymmetric encryption algorithm error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM | 对称加密算法错误 / symmetric encryption algorithm error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_HANDSHAKE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_NEED_FALLBACK | 握手协议版本需降级 / handshake protocol version need fallback
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_TEMPORARY_FORBIDDEN | 请求被服务器暂时禁止 / request temporary forbidden
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SERVER_UNIT_ERROR | 服务器单元错误 / server unit error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FORBIDDEN | 没有权限 / forbidden
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_NOT_FOUND | 资源不存在 / not found
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PARAMETER_ERROR | 参数错误 / parameter error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_RATE_LIMIT | 频率超限 / rate limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_MULTI_LOGIN_FORBIDDEN | 多端登录被禁止 / multi login forbidden
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_NEED_RETRY | 请求需要重试 / need retry
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CALLBACK_FORBIDDEN | 第三方回调被拒绝 / callback forbidden
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR | 服务器内部错误 / internal server error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SERVER_BUSY | 服务器繁忙 / server busy
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_APP_UNREACHABLE | app 服务不可达 / app server unreachable
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | 服务不可用 / service unavailable
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PROTOCOL_BLACKHOLE_FILTERED | 协议被黑洞规则过滤 / protocol filtered by blackhole rule
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_NO_PERMISSION | appid 没有权限调用该协议 / appid has no permission to call the protocol
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_UNPACK_ERROR | 解包错误 / unpack error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PACK_ERROR | 打包错误 / pack error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_ADDRESS_INVALID | 服务地址非法 / service address invalid
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_APPKEY_NOT_EXIST | appkey 不存在 / appkey not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_BUNDLEID_CHECK_FAILED | bundleid 校验失败 / bundleid check failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ILLEGAL_AUTH_TYPE | 非法的鉴权方式 / illegal auth type
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST | 用户不存在 / account not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXIST | 用户已存在 / account already exists
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_CHAT_BANNED | 用户被禁言 / account chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_BANNED | 用户被禁用 / account banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_IN_BLOCK_LIST | 用户被拉黑 / account in block list
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_COUNT_LIMIT | 超过最大账号数 / limit of accounts exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_OPERATION_NEED_RETRY | 账号请求需要重试 / account operation need retry
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_LOGIN_RECORD_NOT_FOUND | 找不到设备登陆记录 / login record not found
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_TOKEN | 无效 token / invalid token
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ROBOT_NOT_ALLOWED | 机器人账号不得登录 / robot not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_USER_PROFILE_NOT_EXIST | 用户资料不存在 / user profile not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_USER_PROFILE_HIT_ANTISPAM | 用户资料反垃圾 / user profile hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PEER_FRIEND_LIMIT | 对方好友超限 / peer friend limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FRIEND_APPLICATION_NOT_EXIST | 好友申请不存在 / friend application not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FRIEND_NOT_EXIST | 好友不存在 / friend not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FRIEND_ALREADY_EXIST | 好友已存在 / friend already exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SELF_FRIEND_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许对自己进行好友操作 / self friend operation not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FRIEND_LIMIT | 好友超限 / friend accounts limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FRIEND_OPERATION_RATE_LIMIT | 好友操作频率超限 / friend operation rate limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FRIEND_HIT_ANTISPAM | 好友反垃圾 / friend hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_MUTE_LIST_LIMIT | 静音列表超限 / mute list limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SELF_MUTE_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许对自己进行静音操作 / self mute operation not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_BLOCKLIST_LIMIT | 黑名单超限 / blocklist limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SELF_BLOCKLIST_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许对自己进行黑名单操作 / self blocklist operation not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_MESSAGING_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 该app未开启发消息功能 / messaging function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE_HIT_ANTISPAM | 消息命中反垃圾 / message hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE_NOT_EXIST | 消息不存在 / message not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_REVOKE_MESSAGE_TO_SELF_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许撤回发给自己的消息 / revoke message to self not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_TIME_RANGE | 无效的时间范围 / invalid time range
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_REVOKE_THIRD_PARTY_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许撤回第三方业务消息 / revoke third party message not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MARK_READ_FAILED | 由于群成员过多导致标记已读失败,消息发送失败 / sending message failed for marking message read failed for too many team members
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SENDER_OR_MANAGER_PERMISSION_ONLY_REVOKE | 仅允许发送者或管理员撤回消息 / only sender or manager can revoke message
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_HIGH_PRIORITY_MESSAGE_RATE_LIMIT | 高优消息超过频控限制 / rate limit of high-priority messages exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACK_MESSAGE_BE_HIGH_PRIORITY | ack消息必须是高优消息 / ack message should be high-priority
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DUPLICATE_CLIENT_MESSAGE_ID | 消息ID重复 / duplicate client message ID
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SHORT_TO_LONG_URL_FAILED | 短链转长链失败 / short to long URL failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DURATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | duration 超出范围 / duration out of range
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_GET_FILE_META_INFO_FAILED | 获取文件 meta 信息失败 / get file meta info failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_AUDIO_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT | 音频文件大小超限 / audio file size limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_VOICE_TO_TEXT_TIMEOUT | 语音转文字超时 / voice to text timeout
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_VOICE_TO_TEXT_FAILED | 语音转文字失败 / voice to text failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_REVOKE_EXCEED_TIME_LIMIT | 撤回消息超过时间限制 / revoke message exceeded time limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_REVOKE_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许撤回指定消息 / revoke message not allowed, not sender or manager
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FORCE_PUSH_LIST_LIMIT | 强推列表超过上限 / force push list limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MESSAGE_RECEIPT_RATE_LIMIT | 群消息已读操作超频 / team message receipt rate limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SNAPSHOT_NOT_EXIST | 快照不存在 / snapshot not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PIN_LIMIT | PIN 数量超限 / PIN limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_QUICK_COMMENT_LIMIT | 快捷评论数量超限 / quick comment limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_RATE_LIMIT_FOR_MESSAGING_REACHED | 消息被流控 / rate limit for messaging exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_READ_RECEIPT_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 该app未开启群消息已读功能 / read receipt for team messages function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_P2P_READ_RECEIPT_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 该app未开启单聊消息已读功能 / read receipt for p2p messages function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_QUICK_COMMENT_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 该app未开启快捷评论功能 / quick comment function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PIN_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 该app未开启消息PIN功能 / PIN function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DELETE_SELF_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许删除发给自己的消息 / delete self message not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_NOT_CHATBOT_ACCOUNT | 不是机器人账号 / s is not chatbot account
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE_SENSE_REQUIRED | 不允许发送方和接收方均无感知 / sender or receiver must sense message
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MESSAGE_READ_RECEIPT_DISABLED | 群消息已读功能未开启 / read receipt for team messages function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_READ_RECEIPT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND | 群消息已读记录未找到 / read receipt record for the team message not found
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_VOICE_TO_TEXT_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 语音转文字功能未开通 / voice to text function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SERVER_SEARCH_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 云端搜索功能未开通 / server search function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ONEWAY_DELETE_FUNCTION_DISABLED | 单向删除功能未开通 / one-way delete function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DONT_ACTIVATE_UPDATE_MESSAGE | 更新消息功能未开通 / update message function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DONT_ALLOW_UPDATE_MESSAGE_TYPE | 该消息类型不允许更新 / update message type not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DONT_ALLOW_UPDATE_MESSAGE_PARAMETER | 该消息参数不允许更新 / update message parameter not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DONT_ALLOW_UPDATE_MESSAGE | 不允许更新消息 / update message not allowed
V2NIM_ERRPR_CODE_ONEWAY_DELETION_NOT_ALLOW_FOR_TARGET_MESSAGES | 定向消息不允许单向删除 / one-way deletion is not allowed for target messages.
V2NIM_ERRPR_CODE_SENDER_CANNOT_INCLUDED_IN_TARGET_LIST | 定向列表包含消息发送者 / The message sender cannot be included in the target list.
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ROBOT_CANNOT_SEND_TARGET_MESSAGE | 数字人消息不能是定向消息 / robot can not send target message
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PIN_TARGET_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED | 不支持PIN定向消息 / Pin target message is not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TARGET_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_REPLY | 定向消息不支持回复 / Target message not allowed replay
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TARGET_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_QUICK_COMMENT | 定向消息不支持快捷评论 / Target message not allowed quick comment
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_NOT_EXIST | 群不存在 / team not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_GET_ONLINE_USERS_COUNT_DISABLED | 获取在线人数功能未开启 / get online users count disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ALL_TEAM_MEMBERS_CHAT_BANNED | 群全体禁言 / all team members chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ASSIGN_TEAM_OWNER_MANAGER_ROLE_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许添加群主为管理员 / assign team owner manager role not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_EXTENDED_SUPER_TEAM_LIMIT | 大容量超大群数量超限 / extended super team limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CREATED_TEAM_LIMIT | 创建群组超过上限 / created team limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_INVITATION_LIMIT | 群人数超过上限 / team invitation limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_HIT_ANTISPAM | 群组反垃圾 / team hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_OPERATION_NEED_RETRY | 群组请求需要重试 / team operation need retry
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_NOT_ADVANCED_TEAM | 非高级群 / not advanced team
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MANAGER_LIMIT | 管理员超限 / team manager limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_EXTENDED_SUPER_TEAM_LIMIT_NOT_CONFIGURED | 未配置大容量超大群的数量 / extended super team limit not configured
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_JOINED_TEAM_LIMIT | 加入群组超过上限 / joined team limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_NORMAL_MEMBER_CHAT_BANNED | 群普通成员禁言 / team normal member chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_INVITED_ACCOUNT_NOT_FRIEND | 被邀请者非好友关系 / invited account not friend
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_REJECT_ALL_TEAM_APPLICATIONS | 拒绝所有入群申请 / reject all team applications
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MEMBERS_COUNT_LIMIT | 不允许创建超出 s 人的群 / create team with more than s users not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_OPERATOR_ALREADY_OWN_TEAM | 当前操作者已是群主 / operator is already team owner
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SUPER_TEAM_SERVICE_DISABLED | 超大群服务未开通 / super team service disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CREATE_EXTENDED_SUPER_TEAM_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许创建大容量超大群 / create extended super team not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_PER_QUERY_LIMIT | 查询群的数量超限 / team limit per query exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TARGETING_MESSAGE_FOR_TEAM_DISABLED | 群定向消息功能未开启 / Targeting messages for group chat is disabled.
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_INCLUSIVE_AS_FALSE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_SUPER_TEAM | 超级群定向消息不支持反选 / Setting 'inclusive' to false for super teams is not allowed.
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CANNOT_MAKE_SUPER_TEAM_MESSAGE_VISIBLE_TO_NEW_MEMBERS | 超级群定向消不支持新成员可见 / Cannot make super team targeted messages visible to new members.
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CANNOT_ALLOW_TARGETED_MESSAGES_INCLUSIVE_TO_NEW_MEMBERS | 定向消息成员正选不支持新成员可见 / Cannot allow targeted messages inclusive to new members.
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHAT_BAN_LIST_CONTAIN_NOT_TEAM_MEMBER | 禁言列表包含非群成员 / list of chat banned users contains non team members
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHAT_BAN_LIST_CONTAIN_OPERATOR | 禁言列表包含操作人 / list of chat banned users contains the operator
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHAT_BAN_LIST_CONTAIN_TEAM_OWNER | 禁言列表包含群主 / list of chat banned users contains the team owner
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_OPERATION_ON_TEAM_MANAGER_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许操作管理员 / operation on team manager not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_NO_TEAM_INVITE_PERMISSION | 没有群邀请权限 / no team invite permission
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_OWNER_QUIT_NOT_ALLOWED | 群主不允许退群 / team owner quit not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_OWNER_IN_KICK_LIST | 群被踢列表包含群主 / list of kicked user contains the team owner
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_INVITE_ROBOT_ACCOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许邀请机器人账号进群 / invite robot account not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_KICK_OPERATOR_NOT_ALLOWED | 被踢的群成员列表中包含操作者 / kick operator not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXIST | 群成员已存在 / team member already exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MEMBER_CAN_NOT_MODIFY_SELF | 不允许操作自己 / operation on self not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_INVITATION_OR_APPLICATION_NOT_EXIST | 群邀请或申请记录不存在 / team invitation or application not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_OPERATION_ON_TEAM_OWNER_NOT_ALLOWED | 不允许操作群主 / operation on team owner not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MEMBER_NOT_EXIST | 群成员不存在 / team member not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MEMBER_CHAT_BANNED | 群成员被禁言 / team member chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_OWNER_OPERATION_PERMISSION_REQUIRED | 仅允许群主操作 / team owner operation permission required
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_OWNER_OR_MANAGER_OPERATION_PERMISSION_REQUIRED | 仅允许群主或管理员操作 / team owner or manager operation permission required
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MEMBER_CONCURRENT_OPERATION_FAILED | 并发操作群成员失败 / team member concurrent operation failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_TEAM_MEMBER_HIT_ANTISPAM | 群成员反垃圾 / team member hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FORCED_PUSH_LIST_INCLUDES_NON_TARGETED_ACCOUNTS | 强推列表包含非定向成员 / The forced push list includes non-targeted accounts.
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNTS_FOR_CONVERSATIONS_NOT_UNIQUE | 会话所属账号不唯一 / accounts for conversations not unique
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_AND_ACCOUNT_MISMATCH | 会话和账号不匹配 / conversation and account mismatch
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_STICK_TOP_LIMIT | 会话置顶数量超限 / conversation stick top limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_BELONGED_GROUP_LIMIT | 会话所属会话分组数量超限 / conversation belonged group limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_IS_NOT_STICK_TOP | 当前会话未置顶 / conversation not stick top
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_STICK_TOP_DISABLED | 置顶功能未开通 / stick top function disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_NOT_EXIST | 会话不存在 / conversation not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_OPERATION_NEED_RETRY | 会话请求需要重试 / conversation operation need retry
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_BROADCASTING_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED | 广播通知 广播通知未开启 / broadcasting notification service disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_BROADCASTING_NOTIFICATION_NOT_EXIST | 广播通知不存在 / broadcasting notification not exist
聊天室 获取有效的聊天室连接地址失败 / failed to get chatroom link
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_IM_CONNECTION_ABNORMAL | IM 连接状态异常 / IM connection abnormal
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_NOT_EXIST | 聊天室不存在 / chatroom not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_CLOSED | 聊天室已关闭 / chatroom closed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_REPEATED_OPERATION | 聊天室重复操作 / operation on chatroom repeated
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_SERVICE_DISABLED | 聊天室服务未开通 / chatroom service disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ALL_CHATROOM_MEMBERS_CHAT_BANNED | 聊天室全体禁言 / all chatroom members chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_INFO_HIT_ANTISPAM | 聊天室信息命中反垃圾 / chatroom info hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_ILLEGAL_AUTH_TYPE | 非法的聊天室鉴权方式 / chatroom illegal auth type
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_IDENTICAL_FIELD_VALUES | 参数与现有聊天室属性一致,无需更新 / identical field values
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MANAGER_OPERATION_REQUIRED | 仅允许聊天室管理员操作 / chatroom manager operation permission required
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_COUNT_LIMIT | 聊天室数量超过限制 / chatroom count limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_NOTIFICATION_FOR_MEMBER_IN_OUT_CHATROOM_DISALED | 聊天室成员进出通知功能未开启 / notification for joining or leaving chatrooms disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_TEMP_CHAT_BANNED | 聊天室被临时禁言 / chatroom temporarily chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_TAGGED_MEMBERS_CHAT_BANNED | 聊天室标签成员被禁言 / chatroom tagged members chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_CLOSING | 聊天室正在关闭,禁止开启 / chat room closing, reopen not allowed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_BROADCASTING_NOTIFICATION_HIT_ANTISPAM | 广播通知命中反垃圾 / chatroom broadcasting notification hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_BROADCASTING_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED | 广播通知服务未开启 / broadcasting notification service disabled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_NOT_EXIST | 聊天室成员不存在 / chatroom member not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_REPEATED_OPERATION | 聊天室成员重复操作 / chatroom member repeated operation
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_CHAT_BANNED | 聊天室成员禁言 / chatroom member chat banned
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ACCOUNT_IN_CHATROOM_BLOCK_LIST | 账号在聊天室黑名单中 / account in chatroom block list
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_OWNER_OPERATION_PERMISSION_REQUIRED | 仅允许聊天室所有者操作 / chatroom owner operation permission required
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_OPERATOR_IN_CHATROOM_MEMBER_OPERATION_LIST | 聊天室成员操作列表包含操作者 / operator in chatroom member operation list
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_OWNER_OR_MANAGER_OPERATION_PERMISSION_REQUIRED | 仅允许聊天室所有者或管理员操作 / chatroom owner or manager operation permission required
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_LIMIT | 聊天室成员数量超限 / chatroom member limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_CONCURRENT_OPERATION_FAILED | 并发操作聊天室成员失败 / chatroom member concurrent operation failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_INFO_HIT_ANTISPAM | 聊天室成员命中反垃圾 / chatroom member info hit antispam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_ALREADY_DELETED | 聊天室成员已删除 / Member: s was already deleted
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_MEMBER_IN_BLOCKLIST_CHAT_BANNED_LIST | 目标账号在禁言或黑名单列表中 / target account in blocklist or chat banned list of chatroom
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ANONYMOUS_MEMBER_OPERATION_FORBIDDEN | 匿名成员禁止操作 / anonymous member operation forbidden
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CHATROOM_TARGET_MEMBER_OFFLINE | 目标成员帐号不在线 / Target chatroom member offline
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_GROUP_NOT_EXIST | 会话分组不存在 / conversation group not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATION_GROUP_LIMIT | 会话分组数量超限 / conversation group limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONVERSATIONS_IN_GROUP_LIMIT | 会话分组中的会话数量超限 / conversations in group limit
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_COLLECTION_LIMIT | 收藏数量超限 / collection limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_COLLECTION_NOT_EXIST | 收藏不存在 / collection not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_COLLECTION_CONCURRENT_OPERATION_FAILED | 并发操作收藏失败 / collection concurrent operation failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CLIENT_ANTISPAM_FILE_NO_CHANGE | 客户端反垃圾文件没有发生变化 / client antispam file has no change
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CLIENT_ANTISPAM_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT | 客户端反垃圾文件大小超限 / client antispam file size limit exceeded
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_INTERNAL | 内部错误 / internal error
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_ILLEGAL_STATE | 非法状态 / illegal state
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_MISUSE | 使用姿势错误 / misuse
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CANCELLED | 操作取消 / operation cancelled
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CALLBACK_FAILED | 回调失败 / callback failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER | 参数错误 / invalid parameter
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST | 资源不存在 / resource not exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXIST | 资源已存在 / resource already exist
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONNECT_FAILED | 连接错误 / connect failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | 连接超时 / connect timeout
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DISCONNECTED | 连接断开 / disconnected
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT | 协议超时 / protocol timeout
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_PROTOCOL_SEND_FAILED | 协议发送失败 / protocol send failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_REQUEST_FAILED | 请求失败 / request failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DATABASE_OPEN_FAILED | 数据库打开失败 / database open failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DATABASE_UPGRADE_FAILED | 数据库升级失败 / database upgrade failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DATABASE_WRITE_FAILED | 数据库写入失败 / database write failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_DATABASE_READ_FAILED | 数据库读取失败 / database read failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FILE_NOT_FOUND | 文件不存在 / file not found
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FILE_CREATE_FAILED | 文件创建失败 / file create failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FILE_OPEN_FAILED | 文件打开失败 / file open failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FILE_WRITE_FAILED | 文件写入失败 / file write failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FILE_READ_FAILED | 文件读取失败 / file read failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED | 文件上传失败 / file upload failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED | 文件下载失败 / file download failed
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_CLIENT_ANTISPAM | 客户端反垃圾 / client anti-spam
V2NIM_ERROR_CODE_SERVER_ANTISPAM | 云端反垃圾 / server anti-spam