C事件订阅回调 | |
C会话分组监听 | |
C会话监听 | |
C信令监听回调 | |
C好友监听 | |
C插入或替换文本缓存回包 | |
C本地会话代理监听 | |
C消息监听 | |
C用户资料监听 | |
C登录状态监听 | |
C登录详细信息监听 | |
C群组监听 | |
C聊天室业务监听 | |
C聊天室实例监听 | |
C设置监听 | |
C透传监听 | |
C通知监听 | |
►Cnstd::_const_iterator< TElement > | |
►Cnstd::_const_reverse_iterator< TElement > | |
Cnstd::_reverse_iterator< TElement > | |
Cnstd::_iterator< TElement > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< TElement, _malloc, _delete > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< nstd::_string > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< nstd::any > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< nstd::function > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< nstd::pair< size_t, nstd::_shared_ptr< t_delegator > > > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< uint32_t > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMAIModelCallMessage > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMChatroomEnterInfo > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMChatroomMember > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMChatroomQueueElement > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMCollection > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMConversation > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMConversationOperationResult > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMFriendAddApplication > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMLocalConversation > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMMessage > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMMessageCallDuration > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMMessageSearchItem > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMSignallingMember > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMTeamJoinActionInfo > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMTeamMember > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMChatroomMemberRole > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMConversationType > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMFriendAddApplicationStatus > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMMessageType > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMTeamJoinActionStatus > | |
Cnstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMTeamJoinActionType > | |
Cnstd::_delegator_storage< t_delegator > | |
Cnstd::_enum_converter | |
Cnstd::function< R(Args...)>::_function< T > | |
Cnstd::function< R(Args...)>::_function< _R(_Args...)> | |
Cnstd::function< R(Args...)>::_function< void()> | |
►Cnstd::_integral_constant< T, _value > | |
Cnstd::_container_increase_step | |
Cnstd::_container_npos | |
Cnstd::is_bool< T > | |
Cnstd::is_bool< bool > | |
Cnstd::_iterator_type< TElement > | |
Cnstd::_lock_guard | |
C_nim_talk_recall_extra_params_ | |
►Cnstd::_optional_base< T > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMAIModelCallContent > | |
Cnstd::_optional< nstd::_continuous_container< nstd::_string > > | |
Cnstd::_optional< uint32_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional< nstd::_string > | |
Cnstd::_optional< int32_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional< double > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMChatroomLocationConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMLocationInfo > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMChatroomUpdateParams > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMChatroomMember > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMChatroomQueueLevelMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMCollection > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMLastMessage > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMSize > | |
Cnstd::_optional< uint64_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMPrivateServerOption > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessageRefer > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMMessageType > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMMessageSendingState > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMMessageRevokeType > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMMessageAttachmentUploadState > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessageAIConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< nstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMAIModelCallMessage > > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMAIModelConfigParams > | |
Cnstd::_optional< nstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMMessage > > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessage > | |
Cnstd::_optional< nstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMMessageType > > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMUpdatedTeamInfo > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessageAntispamConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessageRouteConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessagePushConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< bool > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMProxyAICallAntispamConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMClientAntispamResult > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessageAIConfigParams > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMMessageTargetConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMSignallingConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMSignallingPushConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMSignallingRtcConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMSignallingRtcInfo > | |
Cnstd::_optional< int64_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional< v2::V2NIMSignallingMember > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamMemberRole > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamMemberRoleQueryType > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMQueryDirection > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamJoinMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamAgreeMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamInviteMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamUpdateInfoMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamUpdateExtensionMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional< V2NIMTeamChatBannedMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional< T > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< bool > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< double > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< int32_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< int64_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< nstd::_continuous_container< nstd::_string > > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< nstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMAIModelCallMessage > > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< nstd::_continuous_container< v2::V2NIMMessage > > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< nstd::_continuous_container< V2NIMMessageType > > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< nstd::_string > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< uint32_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< uint64_t > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMAIModelCallContent > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMAIModelConfigParams > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMChatroomLocationConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMChatroomMember > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMChatroomUpdateParams > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMClientAntispamResult > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMCollection > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMLastMessage > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMLocationInfo > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessage > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessageAIConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessageAIConfigParams > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessageAntispamConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessagePushConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessageRefer > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessageRouteConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMMessageTargetConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMPrivateServerOption > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMProxyAICallAntispamConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMSignallingConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMSignallingMember > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMSignallingPushConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMSignallingRtcConfig > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMSignallingRtcInfo > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMSize > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< v2::V2NIMUpdatedTeamInfo > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMChatroomQueueLevelMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMMessageAttachmentUploadState > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMMessageRevokeType > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMMessageSendingState > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMMessageType > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMQueryDirection > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamAgreeMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamChatBannedMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamInviteMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamJoinMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamMemberRole > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamMemberRoleQueryType > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamUpdateExtensionMode > | |
Cnstd::_optional_base< V2NIMTeamUpdateInfoMode > | |
Cnstd::function< R(Args...)>::_ref_flag | |
Cnstd::_shared_ptr< T > | |
Cnstd::_shared_ptr< _ref_flag > | |
Cnstd::_shared_ptr< nstd::_continuous_container > | |
Cnstd::_shared_ptr< nstd::_weak_flag > | |
Cnstd::_shared_ptr< t_delegator > | |
Cnstd::_shared_ptr< v2::V2NIMMessageAttachment > | |
Cnstd::_spinlock | |
Cnstd::_string< _malloc, _delete > | |
C_tagNIMChatRoomLocation | |
C_tagNIMChatRoomUpdateTagsInfo | |
Cnstd::_unregister_delegator | |
Cnstd::_weak_flag | |
Cnstd::_weak_ptr< T > | |
Cnstd::_weak_ptr< nstd::_weak_flag > | |
Cnstd::_weak_semantics_supporter | |
Cphmap::adopt_lock_t | |
CAI | |
Cnim::AI | |
Cphmap::priv::Aligned< T, N > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::AlignOf< Aligned< T, N > > | |
Cnim::MsgLog::AllMessageTypeList | |
Cphmap::allocator_traits< Alloc > | |
Cnstd::any | |
►Cnstd::argc_placeholders_base | |
Cnstd::_argc_placeholder< index > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::AssertHashEnabledHelper | |
Cnstd::atomic< T > | |
Cnstd::atomic< int32_t > | |
Cnim::Attachment | 圈组附件能力 |
Cnim_audio::Audio | NIM 提供的语音录制和播放接口 |
Cnim::AudioInfo | 语音信息,用于语音转文字 |
Cnstd::bad_any_cast | |
Cphmap::BinaryInputArchive | |
Cphmap::BinaryOutputArchive | |
Cnstd::bind_t< TR, TC, TF, TCaptured > | |
Cphmap::priv::BitMask< T, SignificantBits, Shift > | |
Cnim::BlackMuteListInfo | 黑名单 静音名单信息 |
Cnim::BroadcastMessage | |
Cphmap::priv::btree< Params > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, false > > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, true > > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree< priv::set_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, 256, false > > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree< priv::set_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, 256, true > > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_container< Tree > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_multiset_container< priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, true > > > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_multiset_container< priv::btree< priv::set_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, 256, true > > > | |
Cphmap::btree_multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_set_container< priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, false > > > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_set_container< priv::btree< priv::set_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, 256, false > > > | |
Cphmap::btree_set< Key, Compare, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_multiset_container< Tree > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_multimap_container< priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, true > > > | |
Cphmap::btree_multimap< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_multimap_container< Tree > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_set_container< Tree > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_map_container< priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, false > > > | |
Cphmap::btree_map< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_map_container< Tree > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_container< priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, false > > > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_container< priv::btree< priv::map_params< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc, 256, true > > > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_container< priv::btree< priv::set_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, 256, false > > > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_container< priv::btree< priv::set_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, 256, true > > > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree_iterator< Node, Reference, Pointer > | |
►Cphmap::priv::btree_node< Params > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree< Params >::EmptyNodeType | |
Cnim::BuildMsglogIndexesUserData | |
Cnim::BuildMsglogIndexesUserDataMaker | |
Cnstd::byte_endian_order | |
Cnim::Global::CachedFileInfo | |
Cphmap::base_internal::Callable | |
Cnim::CallbackProxy | |
Cnim::Channel | 圈组频道 |
Cnim::ChannelCategory | 圈组频道分组 |
►Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::CharReader | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::OurCharReader | |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoom | 聊天室 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomAnoymityEnterInfo | |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomBatchMembers | 聊天室批量更新成员 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomEnterInfo | 聊天室登录信息 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomGetMembersByTagParameters | 根据 tag 获取聊天室成员参数 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomGetMembersParameters | 获取聊天室成员参数 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomGetMsgHistoryByTagsParameters | |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomGetMsgHistoryParameters | 获取聊天室消息历史参数 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomIndependentEnterInfo | |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomInfo | 聊天室信息 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomMemberInfo | 聊天室成员信息 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomMessage | 聊天室消息 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomMessageSetting | 聊天室消息属性设置 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomNotification | 聊天室通知 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomQueueBatchChangedNotification | 通知麦序队列中有批量变更,发生在元素提交者离开聊天室或者从聊天室异常掉线时 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomQueueChangedNotification | 聊天室队列通知内容 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomQueueElement | 聊天室麦序队列元素 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomQueueOfferOption | 聊天室麦序添加、更新选项 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomSetMemberAttributeParameters | 设置聊天室成员身份标识参数 |
Cnim_chatroom::ChatRoomUpdateTagsInfo | 聊天室更新标签 |
Cnim::Client | 全局管理功能;主要包括SDK初始化/清理、客户端登录/退出等功能 |
Cnim::TalkEx::Collect | |
Cnim::CollectInfo | 收藏内容属性 |
Cnim::CollectInfoList | 收藏列表 |
Cphmap::Combiner< H, sz > | |
Cphmap::Combiner< H, 4 > | |
Cphmap::Combiner< H, 8 > | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Value::Comments | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::CommentStyle | Scoped enums are not available until C++11 |
Cphmap::priv::common_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, TargetNodeSize, Multi, SlotPolicy > | |
►Cphmap::priv::common_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, TargetNodeSize, Multi, phmap::priv::map_slot_policy< Key, Data > > | |
Cphmap::priv::map_params< Key, Data, Compare, Alloc, TargetNodeSize, Multi > | |
►Cphmap::priv::common_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, TargetNodeSize, Multi, set_slot_policy< Key > > | |
Cphmap::priv::set_params< Key, Compare, Alloc, TargetNodeSize, Multi > | |
Cphmap::priv::CommonAccess | |
Cnim_http::CompletedCallbackUserData | |
Cphmap::priv::CompressedTuple<> | |
►Cinternal_compressed_tuple::CompressedTupleImpl | |
Cphmap::priv::CompressedTuple< size_t, phmap::Hash, key_equal, allocator_type > | |
Cphmap::priv::CompressedTuple< key_compare, allocator_type, phmap::priv::btree_node * > | |
Cphmap::priv::CompressedTuple< Ts > | |
Cnstd::conditional< _conditional, T1, T2 > | |
Cnstd::conditional< false, T1, T2 > | |
Cphmap::conjunction< Ts > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::const_iterator | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::const_iterator | |
►CP::constant_iterators | |
Cphmap::priv::hash_policy_traits< Policy, class >::ConstantIteratorsImpl< P, phmap::void_t< typename P::constant_iterators > > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::constructor | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Value::CZString | |
Cv2::DataStructureConverter | 数据结构转换工具 |
Cnim::DataSync | NIM SDK提供的数据同步相关接口 |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::default_alignment_of_aligned_storage< Len, T > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::default_alignment_of_aligned_storage< Len, std::aligned_storage< Len, Align > > | |
Cnstd::default_context_t | |
Cnstd::default_delete< _Ty > | |
Cphmap::defer_lock_t | |
Cnim::DeleteFriendOption | 删除好有拓展选项 |
Cnim::DeleteMsglogSelfNotifyItemInfo | 单向删除消息记录回调参数 |
Cnim::DeleteMsglogSelfNotifyParam | 单向删除消息记录回调参数 |
Cnim::SessionOnLineServiceHelper::DeleteSessionParam | |
Cphmap::disjunction< Ts > | |
Cnim::DocTrans | NIM SDK提供的文档转换相关接口 |
Cnim::DocTransInfo | 文档传输信息 |
Cphmap::LockableBaseImpl< MutexType >::DoNothing | |
Cnim::DownloadAttachementCallbacks | |
Cnim::DownloadCallbackExUserData | |
Cnim::DownloadCallbackUserData | |
Cnim::DownloadMediaResult | 下载完成的结果 |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data_dtor_base< T, unused >::dummy_type | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data_dtor_base< T, true >::dummy_type | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_compressed_tuple::Elem< D, I > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::ElementType< Ptr, typename > | |
Cphmap::span_internal::ElementType< C > | |
Cphmap::span_internal::ElementType< T(&)[N]> | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::ElementType< T, void_t< typename T::element_type > > | |
►CElemT | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_compressed_tuple::Storage< D, I, true > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::EmplaceDecomposable | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::EmplaceDecomposable | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::EmplaceDecomposableHashval | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::EmplaceDecomposableHashval | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::empty_struct | |
Cnstd::enable_if< _conditional, T > | |
Cnstd::enable_if< true, T > | |
Cphmap::priv::HashEq< T * >::Eq | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::EqualElement< K1 > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::EqualElement< K1 > | |
Cphmap::EqualTo< T > | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::OurReader::ErrorInfo | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Reader::ErrorInfo | |
Cnim::EventData | 事件数据 |
Cnim::EventOnlineClientType | 在线客户端类型,此结构体只用于在线状态事件的kNIMEventNimConfig字段 |
Cnim::EventSubscribeData | 事件订阅数据 |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Exception | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::LogicError | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::RuntimeError | |
Cphmap::bad_optional_access | |
Cphmap::utility_internal::Extend< Seq, SeqSize, Rem > | |
Cphmap::utility_internal::Extend< integer_sequence< T, Ints... >, SeqSize, 0 > | |
Cphmap::utility_internal::Extend< integer_sequence< T, Ints... >, SeqSize, 1 > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::ExtractOr< Extract, Obj, Default, typename > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::ExtractOr< Extract, Obj, Default, void_t< Extract< Obj > > > | |
►Cmemory_internal::ExtractOrT | |
Cphmap::allocator_is_nothrow< Alloc > | |
►Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::CharReader::Factory | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::CharReaderBuilder | Build a CharReader implementation |
►Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StreamWriter::Factory | A simple abstract factory |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StreamWriterBuilder | Build a StreamWriter implementation |
Cphmap::compare_internal::Fail< T > | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Cphmap::base_internal::DataMemAndPtr::AcceptImpl< Args > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::DataMemAndRef::AcceptImpl< Args > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndPtr::AcceptImpl< Args > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndRef::AcceptImpl< Args > | |
Cphmap::default_allocator_is_nothrow | |
Cphmap::disjunction<> | |
Cphmap::priv::IsDecomposable< E, Policy, Hash, Eq, Ts > | |
Cphmap::priv::IsTransparent< class, class > | |
Cphmap::priv::hash_policy_traits< Policy, class >::ConstantIteratorsImpl< P, class > | |
Cphmap::priv::hashtable_debug_internal::has_member_type_EmbeddedSet< typename, typename > | |
Cphmap::priv::hashtable_debug_internal::has_member_type_raw_hash_set< typename, typename > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsHashable< Key, typename > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsTriviallyMoveAssignableReference< T > | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Features | Configuration passed to reader and writer. This configuration object can be used to force the Reader or Writer to behave in a standard conforming way |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::FindElement | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::FindElement | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::FindInfo | |
►Cphmap::flat_hash_map< K, V, hash_default_hash< K >, hash_default_eq< K >, Allocator< Pair< const K, V > > > | |
Cnstd::map< K, V, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::flat_hash_map< nstd::_string, nstd::_string, hash_default_hash< nstd::_string >, hash_default_eq< nstd::_string >, Allocator< Pair< const nstd::_string, nstd::_string > > > | |
Cnstd::map< nstd::_string, nstd::_string > | |
Cphmap::priv::FlatHashMapPolicy< K, V > | |
Cphmap::priv::FlatHashSetPolicy< T > | |
Cphmap::fold_if_needed< n > | |
Cphmap::fold_if_needed< 4 > | |
Cphmap::fold_if_needed< 8 > | |
Cnim::Friend | NIM 好友相关接口 |
Cnim::FriendAddEvent | 云信好友变更事件(请求添加) |
Cnim::FriendChangeEvent | 云信好友变更事件 |
Cnim::FriendDelEvent | 云信好友变更事件(删除) |
Cnim::FriendProfile | 云信好友 |
Cnim::FriendProfileSyncEvent | 云信好友变更事件(多端同步) |
Cnim::FriendProfileUpdateEvent | 云信好友变更事件(更新) |
Cnim::MsgLog::FullTextSearchOnlineAsyncParam | |
Cnstd::function< T > | |
Cnstd::function< nstd::optional< nstd::string >(nstd::string accountId)> | |
Cnstd::function< nstd::optional< nstd::string >(nstd::string roomId, nstd::string account)> | |
Cnstd::function< nstd::vector< nstd::string >(nstd::string roomId, nstd::string account)> | |
Cnstd::function< R(Args...)> | |
►Cnstd::function< void()> | |
Cv2::V2NIMSuccessCallback< void > | |
Cnstd::function< void(bool chatBanned)> | |
Cnstd::function< void(bool tempChatBanned, uint64_t tempChatBannedDuration)> | |
Cnstd::function< void(nstd::_string log)> | |
►Cnstd::function< void(T)> | |
Cv2::V2NIMSuccessCallback< T > | 通用成功 |
Cnstd::function< void(uint32_t unreadCount)> | |
Cnstd::function< void(V2NIMConnectStatus)> | |
Cnstd::function< void(V2NIMLoginStatus)> | |
Cphmap::utility_internal::Gen< T, N > | |
Cphmap::utility_internal::Gen< T, 0 > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::GetFirstArg< T > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::GetFirstArg< Class< T, Args... > > | |
Cnim::GetMessagesResult | |
Cnim::Global | NIM SDK提供的一些全局接口 |
Cphmap::priv::GroupPortableImpl | |
Cnstd::handle_generator_impl< TContext, _max_handle_value, _base_handle_value > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::has_difference_operator< T > | |
Cphmap::has_hash_value< T > | |
Cphmap::Hash< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::HashEq< T * >::Hash | |
Cstd::hash< nstd::string > | |
Cphmap::Hash< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cphmap::Hash< std::tuple< T... > > | |
Cphmap::Hash< T * > | |
Cphmap::priv::hash_policy_traits< Policy, class > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::HashElement | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::HashElement | |
Cphmap::priv::HashEq< T, E > | |
►Cphmap::priv::HashEq< T * > | |
Cphmap::priv::HashEq< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cphmap::priv::HashEq< std::unique_ptr< T, D > > | |
Cphmap::HashStateBase< H > | |
Cphmap::priv::hashtable_debug_internal::HashtableDebugAccess< Container, Enabler > | |
Cphmap::priv::hashtable_debug_internal::HashtableDebugAccess< Set, typename std::enable_if< has_member_type_EmbeddedSet< Set >::value >::type > | |
Cphmap::priv::hashtable_debug_internal::HashtableDebugAccess< Set, typename std::enable_if< has_member_type_raw_hash_set< Set >::value >::type > | |
Cphmap::priv::HashtablezInfo | |
Cphmap::priv::HashtablezInfoHandle | |
Cphmap::priv::HashtablezSampler | |
Cnim_http::HttpRequest | NIM HTTP提供的http传输相关接口 |
Cphmap::internal::identity< T > | |
Cnim::IMBotRobot | 波特机器人消息附件 |
►Cnim::IMFile | 文件消息附件 |
Cnim::IMAudio | 语音消息附件 |
Cnim::IMImage | 图片消息附件 |
Cnim::IMVideo | 小视频消息附件 |
Cnim::IMLocation | 位置消息附件 |
Cnim::IMMessage | |
Cnim::IMMessageAIConfig | AI 数字人消息信息 |
Cnim::IMMessageRobotInfo | 机器人消息信息 |
Cnim::IMMessageSendOption | |
Cnim::IMMessageThreadInfo | P2P和群组消息 |
Cnim::ImportDbCallbackUserData | |
Cphmap::in_place_index_t< I > | |
Cphmap::in_place_t | |
Cphmap::in_place_type_t< T > | |
Cphmap::nullopt_t::init_t | |
Cnim::InitNosConfigParam | 初始化nos参数 |
Cnim::InitNosResult | 初始化结果 |
Cphmap::priv::InsertReturnType< Iterator, NodeType > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::InsertSlot< do_destroy > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::InsertSlotWithHash< do_destroy > | |
Cnstd::int_sequence< Ns > | |
Cnstd::int_sequence_gen< Ns > | |
Cnstd::int_sequence_gen< 0, Ns... > | |
Cnstd::int_sequence_gen< I, Ns... > | |
Cphmap::integer_sequence< T, Ints > | |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
Cphmap::base_internal::DataMemAndPtr::AcceptImpl< R C::*, Ptr > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndPtr::AcceptImpl< R(C::*)(Params...) const, Ptr, Args... > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndPtr::AcceptImpl< R(C::*)(Params...), Ptr, Args... > | |
Cphmap::is_function< T > | |
Cphmap::is_trivially_copy_assignable< T > | |
Cphmap::is_trivially_copy_constructible< T > | |
Cphmap::is_trivially_default_constructible< T > | |
Cphmap::is_trivially_destructible< T > | |
Cphmap::negation< T > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::is_constructible_convertible_assignable_from_optional< T, U > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::is_constructible_convertible_from_optional< T, U > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::SizeOf< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::SizeOf< Aligned< T, N > > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsTriviallyCopyConstructibleObject< T > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsTriviallyMoveConstructibleObject< T > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_trivially_copyable< T > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::Invoker< Args > | |
►Cnim::IQChatAttachInterface | |
Cnim::QChatDefaultAttach | |
►Cnim::QChatFileAttach | |
Cnim::QChatAudioAttach | |
Cnim::QChatImageAttach | |
Cnim::QChatVideoAttach | |
Cnim::QChatLocationAttach | |
Cnim::QChatNotificationAttach | |
Cnim::QChatTipsAttach | |
►Cstd::is_base_of | |
Cphmap::base_internal::DataMemAndRef::AcceptImpl< R C::*, Obj > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndRef::AcceptImpl< R(C::*)(Params...) const, Obj, Args... > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndRef::AcceptImpl< R(C::*)(Params...), Obj, Args... > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected_convertible_impl< Enabler, To, Op, Args > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected_convertible_impl< typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< Op< Args... >, To >::value >::type, To, Op, Args... > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected_impl< Enabler, Op, Args > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected_impl< typename VoidTImpl< Op< Args... > >::type, Op, Args... > | |
►Cstd::is_same | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::SameAsElementReference< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::SameAsElementReference< T > | |
►Cstd::is_trivially_copyable | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsTriviallyCopyable< T > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_trivially_copyable_impl< T > | |
Cphmap::is_trivially_move_assignable< T > | |
Cphmap::span_internal::IsConvertibleHelper< From, To > | |
Cphmap::priv::memory_internal::IsLayoutCompatible< K, V > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsTriviallyCopyable< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::iterator | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::iterator | |
►Ckey_compare | |
Cphmap::priv::map_params< Key, Data, Compare, Alloc, TargetNodeSize, Multi >::value_compare | |
Cphmap::priv::key_compare_to_adapter< Compare > | |
Cphmap::priv::key_compare_to_adapter< phmap::Less< std::string > > | |
Cphmap::priv::key_compare_to_adapter< std::greater< std::string > > | |
Cphmap::priv::key_compare_to_adapter< std::less< std::string > > | |
Cphmap::priv::KeyArg< is_transparent > | |
Cphmap::priv::KeyArg< false > | |
Cnim::KickOtherRes | 踢人结果回调信息 |
Cnim::KickoutRes | 被踢结果回调信息 |
►Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::LayoutImpl< Elements, SizeSeq, OffsetSeq > | |
Cphmap::priv::Layout< Ts > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::LayoutImpl< std::tuple< Elements... >, phmap::index_sequence< SizeSeq... >, phmap::index_sequence< OffsetSeq... > > | |
Cphmap::Less< T > | |
Cphmap::LockableBaseImpl< MutexType > | |
Cnim::LoginParams | |
Cnim::LoginRes | 登录结果回调信息 |
Cphmap::memory_internal::MakeUniqueResult< T > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::MakeUniqueResult< T[]> | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::MakeUniqueResult< T[N]> | |
Cphmap::priv::map_slot_policy< K, V > | |
Cphmap::priv::map_slot_type< K, V > | |
Cnim::MatchCollectParm | 收藏匹配参数 |
Cnstd::memory | |
Cnim::Message | 圈组消息 |
Cnim::MessageSetting | 消息属性设置 |
Cnim::MessageStatusChanged | 发送消息已读回执 |
Cnim::MessageStatusChangedResult | 发送消息已读回执 |
Cnim::ModifyPinMessageParam | 修改、取消Pin Message参数定义 |
Cphmap::priv::node_handle_base< PolicyTraits, Alloc >::move_tag_t | |
Cnim::MsgLog | NIM SDK提供的消息历史接口 |
►CMtx_ | |
►Cphmap::LockableImpl< Mtx_ > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::Inner | |
Cnim::MultiSpotLoginRes | 多端登录回调信息 |
Cnim::MultiUnreadCountZeroInfo | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::AssertHashEnabledHelper::NAT | |
Cnim::NetDetectCbInfo | 网络探测回调信息 |
►Cnim::NIMAIModelCallBase | |
Cnim::NIMProxyAIModelCallParams | AI 数字人代理请求参数 |
Cnim::NIMAIModelCallContent | 调用大模型的请求内容 |
Cnim::NIMAIModelCallMessage | AI 数字人消息上下文参数 |
Cnim::NIMAIModelCallResult | AI 数字人代理请求结果 |
►Cnim::NIMAIModelConfigBase | AI 数字人模型配置参数 |
Cnim::NIMAIModelConfig | AI 数字人模型类型 |
Cnim_chatroom::NIMChatRoomExitReasonInfo | 聊天室退出时的信息 |
CNIMDeleteMessagesSelfParam | 单向删除某条消息参数 |
CNIMDeleteSessionHistoryMessagesNotifyInfo | 删除与某一会话的历史记录推送数据定义 |
►CNIMLogsBackupExportInfo | 导出消息记录到云端参数定义 |
Cnim::LogsBackupExportInfo | 导出消息记录到云端参数定义 |
►CNIMLogsBackupImportInfo | 从云端导入消息记录参数定义 |
Cnim::LogsBackupImportInfo | 从云端导入消息记录参数定义 |
Cnim::NIMProxyAICallAntispamConfig | AI 数字人代理请求反垃圾配置 |
CNIMQChatAddChannelCategoryMemberRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatAddChannelCategoryMemberRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatAddChannelCategoryRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatAddChannelCategoryRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatAddChannelRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatAddChannelRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatAddMemberRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatAddMemberRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatAddMembersToServerRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatAddMembersToServerRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatAddQuickCommentParam | |
CNIMQChatAddQuickCommentResp | |
CNIMQChatApplyInfoData | |
CNIMQChatAreMentionedMeMessagesParam | |
CNIMQChatAreMentionedMeMessagesResp | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentCustomTokenResp | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentDownloadParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentDownloadResp | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentProgressResp | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentRegCustomTokenCbParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentRegDownloadCbParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentRegProgressCbParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentRegUploadCbParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentStopDownloadParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentStopUploadParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentUploadParam | |
CNIMQChatAttachmentUploadResp | |
CNIMQChatAudioAttach | |
CNIMQChatBaseResp | |
CNIMQChatBatchUpdateServeRolePriorityGroup | |
CNIMQChatBatchUpdateServerRolePrioritiesParam | |
CNIMQChatBeInvitedInfoData | |
CNIMQChatBusinessAntiSpamInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryCreateParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryCreateResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetExistingWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackMembersPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackMembersPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackMembersResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackRolesPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackRolesPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryMemberRoleInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryRemoveParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryRemoveResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryRoleInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryUpdateParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryUpdateResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackMembersResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelCreateParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelCreateResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelDeleteParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelDeleteResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetCategoriesByIDParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetCategoriesByIDResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetCategoriesPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetCategoriesPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetCategoryChannelsPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetCategoryChannelsResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetChannelsPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetChannelsPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetChannelsParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetChannelsResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackMembersResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetMembersPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetMembersPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetRTCInfoParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetRTCInfoResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetRTCOnlineMembersParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetRTCOnlineMembersResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetWhiteBlackMembersPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetWhiteBlackMembersPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetWhiteBlackRolesPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelGetWhiteBlackRolesPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelIdInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelIDInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelMemberSearchParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelMemberSearchResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelQueryUnreadInfoParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelQueryUnreadInfoResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelRegUnreadCbParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelRoleInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelRTCAudioInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelRTCInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelRTCVideoInfo | |
CNIMQChatChannelSearchPageParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelSearchPageResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelSubscribeAsVisitorParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelSubscribeAsVisitorResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelSubscribeParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelSubscribeResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelUnreadResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateCategoryInfoParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateCategoryInfoResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateRTCInfoParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateRTCInfoResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateWhiteBlackMembersResp | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateWhiteBlackRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatChannelUpdateWhiteBlackRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatCheckPermissionParam | |
CNIMQChatCheckPermissionResp | |
CNIMQChatCheckPermissionsParam | |
CNIMQChatCheckPermissionsResp | |
CNIMQChatCleanupParam | |
CNIMQChatCommEncryptionAlgorithm | 通信协议加密算法 |
CNIMQChatCreateServerRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatCreateServerRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatCustomTokenResp | |
CNIMQChatDefaultAttach | |
CNIMQChatDeleteMessageParam | |
CNIMQChatDeleteServerRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatDeleteServerRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatDeleteTextCacheParam | |
CNIMQChatEncryptionConfiguration | 圈组协议加密配置 |
CNIMQChatExchangeKeyEncryptionAlgorithm | 握手协议加密算法枚举 |
CNIMQChatFCSConfiguration | 圈组云端数据存储配置信息 |
CNIMQChatFileAttach | |
CNIMQChatGenerateInviteCodeInfoData | |
CNIMQChatGetChannelCategoryMemberRolesPageParam | |
CNIMQChatGetChannelCategoryMemberRolesPageResp | |
CNIMQChatGetChannelCategoryRolesPageParam | |
CNIMQChatGetChannelCategoryRolesPageResp | |
CNIMQChatGetChannelRolesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetChannelRolesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetExistingAccidsInServerRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatGetExistingAccidsInServerRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatGetExistingAccidsOfMemberRolesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetExistingAccidsOfMemberRolesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetExistingRolesInChannelParam | |
CNIMQChatGetExistingRolesInChannelResp | |
CNIMQChatGetLastMessagesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetLastMessagesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetMemberRolesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetMemberRolesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetMembersFromServerRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatGetMembersFromServerRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatGetMentionedMeMessagesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetMentionedMeMessagesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetMessageColumns | |
CNIMQChatGetMessageHistoryByIdsParam | |
CNIMQChatGetMessageHistoryByIdsResp | |
CNIMQChatGetMessagesCacheParam | |
CNIMQChatGetMessagesCacheResp | |
CNIMQChatGetMessagesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetMessagesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetQuickCommentsParam | |
CNIMQChatGetQuickCommentsResp | |
CNIMQChatGetReferMessagesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetReferMessagesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetRTCTokenParam | |
CNIMQChatGetRTCTokenResp | |
CNIMQChatGetServerRolesByMemberIdsParam | |
CNIMQChatGetServerRolesByMemberIdsResp | |
CNIMQChatGetServerRolesByMembersIdParam | |
CNIMQChatGetServerRolesByMembersIdResp | |
CNIMQChatGetServerRolesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetServerRolesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetTextCacheParam | |
CNIMQChatGetTextCacheResp | |
CNIMQChatGetThreadMessagesParam | |
CNIMQChatGetThreadMessagesResp | |
CNIMQChatGetThreadRootMessagesMetaParam | |
CNIMQChatGetThreadRootMessagesMetaResp | |
CNIMQChatImageAttach | |
CNIMQChatInitParam | |
CNIMQChatInsertOrReplaceTextCacheParam | |
CNIMQChatInviteApplyRecord | |
CNIMQChatInviteInfoData | |
CNIMQChatInviteUserInfo | |
CNIMQChatJoinByInviteCodeInfoData | |
CNIMQChatKickedResp | |
CNIMQChatKickParam | |
CNIMQChatKickResp | |
CNIMQChatLocationAttach | |
CNIMQChatLoginClientInfo | |
CNIMQChatLoginParam | |
CNIMQChatLoginResp | |
CNIMQChatLoginStatusResp | |
CNIMQChatLogoutParam | |
CNIMQChatLogoutResp | |
CNIMQChatMarkMessageReadParam | |
CNIMQChatMarkMessageReadResp | |
CNIMQChatMarkReadSystemNotificationResp | |
CNIMQChatMarkSystemNotificationsReadParam | |
CNIMQChatMemberBanInfo | |
CNIMQChatMemberInfo | |
CNIMQChatMemberRoleInfo | |
CNIMQChatMentionedResult | |
CNIMQChatMessage | |
CNIMQChatMessageAntiSpamInfo | |
CNIMQChatMessageCacheConfiguration | |
CNIMQChatMessageSearchPageParam | |
CNIMQChatMessageSearchPageResp | |
CNIMQChatMessageThreadInfo | |
CNIMQChatMessageUpdateContent | |
CNIMQChatMessageUpdateInfo | |
CNIMQChatMessageUpdateOpeInfo | |
CNIMQChatMsgUpdatedResp | |
CNIMQChatMultispotLoginResp | |
CNIMQChatNotificationAttach | |
CNIMQChatPageInfo | |
CNIMQChatPermissionGroup | |
CNIMQChatQuickCommentDetail | |
CNIMQChatQuickCommentInfo | |
CNIMQChatRecvMsgResp | |
CNIMQChatRecvSystemNotificationResp | |
CNIMQChatRecvTypingEventResp | |
CNIMQChatRegCustomTokenCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegKickedCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegLoginStatusCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegMsgUpdatedCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegMultispotLoginCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegRecvMsgCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegRecvSystemNotificationCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegRecvTypingEventCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegSDKLogCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRegSystemNotificationUpdatedCbParam | |
CNIMQChatRemoveChannelCategoryMemberRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatRemoveChannelCategoryMemberRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatRemoveChannelCategoryRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatRemoveChannelCategoryRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatRemoveChannelRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatRemoveChannelRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatRemoveMemberRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatRemoveMemberRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatRemoveMembersFromServerRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatRemoveMembersFromServerRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatRemoveQuickCommentParam | |
CNIMQChatRemoveQuickCommentResp | |
CNIMQChatReplyMessageParam | |
CNIMQChatReplyMsgResp | |
CNIMQChatRevokeMessageParam | |
CNIMQChatRoleInfo | |
CNIMQChatRoleInfoOfMember | |
CNIMQChatRoleMemberInfo | |
CNIMQChatSDKLogResp | |
CNIMQChatSendMessageParam | |
CNIMQChatSendMessageResp | |
CNIMQChatSendSystemNotificationParam | |
CNIMQChatSendSystemNotificationResp | |
CNIMQChatSendTypingEventParam | |
CNIMQChatSendTypingEventResp | |
CNIMQChatServerAcceptApplyParam | |
CNIMQChatServerAcceptApplyResp | |
CNIMQChatServerAcceptInviteParam | |
CNIMQChatServerAcceptInviteResp | |
CNIMQChatServerApplyParam | |
CNIMQChatServerApplyResp | |
CNIMQChatServerBanMemberParam | |
CNIMQChatServerBanMemberResp | |
CNIMQChatServerCreateParam | |
CNIMQChatServerCreateResp | |
CNIMQChatServerDeleteParam | |
CNIMQChatServerDeleteResp | |
CNIMQChatServerEnterAsVisitorParam | |
CNIMQChatServerEnterAsVisitorResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGenerateInviteCodeParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGenerateInviteCodeResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGetBannedMembersPageParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGetBannedMembersPageResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfSelfParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfSelfResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfServerParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfServerResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGetMembersPageParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGetMembersPageResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGetMembersParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGetMembersResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGetServersPageParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGetServersPageResp | |
CNIMQChatServerGetServersParam | |
CNIMQChatServerGetServersResp | |
CNIMQChatServerInfo | |
CNIMQChatServerInviteParam | |
CNIMQChatServerInviteResp | |
CNIMQChatServerJoinByInviteCodeParam | |
CNIMQChatServerJoinByInviteCodeResp | |
CNIMQChatServerKickParam | |
CNIMQChatServerKickResp | |
CNIMQChatServerLeaveAsVisitorParam | |
CNIMQChatServerLeaveAsVisitorResp | |
CNIMQChatServerLeaveParam | |
CNIMQChatServerLeaveResp | |
CNIMQChatServerMarkReadParam | |
CNIMQChatServerMarkReadResp | |
CNIMQChatServerMemberPair | |
CNIMQChatServerMemberSearchParam | |
CNIMQChatServerMemberSearchResp | |
CNIMQChatServerRegUnreadCbParam | |
CNIMQChatServerRejectApplyParam | |
CNIMQChatServerRejectApplyResp | |
CNIMQChatServerRejectInviteParam | |
CNIMQChatServerRejectInviteResp | |
CNIMQChatServerRoleInfo | |
CNIMQChatServerSearchPageParam | |
CNIMQChatServerSearchPageResp | |
CNIMQChatServerSubscribeAllChannelParam | |
CNIMQChatServerSubscribeAllChannelResp | |
CNIMQChatServerSubscribeAsVisitorParam | |
CNIMQChatServerSubscribeAsVisitorResp | |
CNIMQChatServerSubscribeParam | |
CNIMQChatServerSubscribeResp | |
CNIMQChatServerUnbanMemberParam | |
CNIMQChatServerUnbanMemberResp | |
CNIMQChatServerUnreadInfo | |
CNIMQChatServerUnreadResp | |
CNIMQChatServerUpdateMemberInfoParam | |
CNIMQChatServerUpdateMemberInfoResp | |
CNIMQChatServerUpdateParam | |
CNIMQChatServerUpdateResp | |
CNIMQChatSwitches | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotification | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryCreate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryRemove | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryWhiteBlackMembersUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryWhiteBlackRoleUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCreate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelRolePermissionChange | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelVisibilityChange | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelVisitorVisibilityChange | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberApplyAccept | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberApplyDone | |
CNIMQchatSystemNotificationDataMemberInviteAccept | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberInviteAccept | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberInviteDone | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberKick | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberLeave | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberRolePermissionChange | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMemberUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataMyMemberInfoUpdated | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataQuickCommentChanged | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerApply | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerApplyReject | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerCreate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerEnterLeave | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerInvite | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerInviteReject | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerJoinByInviteCode | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerRoleAddMember | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerRolePermissionChange | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerRoleRemoveMember | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataServerUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataWhiteBlackMembersUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationDataWhiteBlackRoleUpdate | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationMarkReadInfo | |
CNIMQChatSystemNotificationUpdatedResp | |
CNIMQChatThreadMessageMetaInfo | |
CNIMQChatTipsAttach | |
CNIMQChatTypingEvent | |
CNIMQChatUnreadInfo | |
CNIMQChatUpdateChannelCategoryMemberRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatUpdateChannelCategoryMemberRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatUpdateChannelCategoryRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatUpdateChannelCategoryRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatUpdateChannelRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatUpdateChannelRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatUpdatedMyMemberInfo | |
CNIMQChatUpdateMemberRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatUpdateMemberRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatUpdateMessageParam | |
CNIMQChatUpdateMessageResp | |
CNIMQChatUpdateServerRoleParam | |
CNIMQChatUpdateServerRolePrioritiesResp | |
CNIMQChatUpdateServerRoleResp | |
CNIMQChatUpdateSystemNotificationParam | |
CNIMQChatUpdateSystemNotificationResp | |
CNIMQChatVideoAttach | |
CNIMQueryMsgAsyncParam | 云端查询某条消息参数一般用在thread聊天场景中 |
CNIMQueryMsgByKeywordOnlineAsyncParam | 根据关键字村云端查询消息记录的参数定义 |
CNIMQueryMsgLocalAsyncParam | 本地全文检索参数 |
CNIMQueryMsgOnlineAsyncParam | 从云端导入消息记录参数定义 |
CNIMQueryThreadHistoryMsgAsyncParam | 云端查询thread聊天历史参数 |
CNIMSignalingAcceptParam | 接受邀请接口nim_signaling_accept的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingCallParam | 呼叫接口nim_signaling_call的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingCallResParam | |
CNIMSignalingCancelInviteParam | 取消邀请接口nim_signaling_cancel_invite的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingChannelDetailedinfo | 频道的详细信息,包含频道信息及成员列表 |
CNIMSignalingChannelInfo | 频道属性 |
CNIMSignalingCloseParam | 关闭频道接口nim_signaling_close的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingControlParam | 控制通知接口nim_signaling_control的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingCreateParam | 创建频道接口nim_signaling_create的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingCreateResParam | 创建频道结果回调信息 |
CNIMSignalingInviteParam | 邀请接口nim_signaling_invite的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingJoinAndAcceptParam | |
CNIMSignalingJoinAndAcceptResParam | |
CNIMSignalingJoinParam | 加入频道接口nim_signaling_join的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingJoinResParam | 加入频道结果回调信息 |
CNIMSignalingLeaveParam | 离开频道接口nim_signaling_leave的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingMemberInfo | 成员属性 |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfo | 事件通知信息基类 |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoAccept | 接收邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeAccept |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoCancelInvite | 取消邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeCancelInvite |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoClose | 频道关闭事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeClose |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoControl | 控制事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeCtrl |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoInvite | 邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeInvite |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoJoin | 加入频道事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeJoin |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoLeave | 退出频道事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeLeave |
CNIMSignalingNotifyInfoReject | 拒绝邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeReject |
CNIMSignalingPushInfo | 推送属性 |
CNIMSignalingQueryChannelInfoParam | 查询频道接口nim_signaling_query_channel_info的传入参数 |
CNIMSignalingQueryChannelInfoResParam | 查询频道结果回调信息 |
CNIMSignalingRejectParam | 拒绝接口nim_signaling_reject的传入参数 |
CNIMTeamMemberRoleTypeSearchOption | |
►Cphmap::priv::node_handle_base< PolicyTraits, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::node_handle< Policy, PolicyTraits, Alloc, typename > | |
Cphmap::priv::node_handle< Policy, PolicyTraits, Alloc, phmap::void_t< typename Policy::mapped_type > > | |
Cphmap::priv::node_hash_policy< Reference, Policy > | |
►Cphmap::priv::node_hash_policy< std::pair< const Key, Value > &, NodeHashMapPolicy< Key, Value > > | |
Cphmap::priv::NodeHashMapPolicy< Key, Value > | |
►Cphmap::priv::node_hash_policy< T &, NodeHashSetPolicy< T > > | |
Cphmap::priv::NodeHashSetPolicy< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::btree< Params >::node_stats | |
Cnim::NOS | NIM SDK提供的NOS云存储服务接口 |
►Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::NotAligned< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::AlignOf< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::SizeOf< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::Type< T > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::NotAligned< const Aligned< T, N > > | |
►Cphmap::NullMutex | |
Cphmap::LockableImpl< phmap::NullMutex > | |
Cphmap::nullopt_t | |
Cnstd::numeric_double_limits | |
Cphmap::priv::memory_internal::OffsetOf< Pair, class > | |
Cphmap::priv::memory_internal::OffsetOf< Pair, typename std::is_standard_layout< Pair >::type > | |
Cphmap::compare_internal::OnlyLiteralZero< NullPtrT > | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_assign_base< copy_traits > | |
Cphmap::optional< allocator_type > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_assign_base< copy_traits::copyable > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_assign_base< copy_traits::movable > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_assign_base< copy_traits::non_movable > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_assign_base< optional_internal::get_assign_copy_traits< allocator_type >()> | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_assign_base< optional_internal::get_assign_copy_traits< T >()> | |
Cphmap::optional< T > | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits > | |
Cphmap::optional< allocator_type > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits::copyable > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits::movable > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits::non_movable > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_ctor_base< optional_internal::get_ctor_copy_traits< allocator_type >()> | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_ctor_base< optional_internal::get_ctor_copy_traits< T >()> | |
Cphmap::optional< T > | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data< T, unused > | |
Cphmap::optional< allocator_type > | |
Cphmap::optional< T > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data< allocator_type > | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data_dtor_base< T, unused > | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data_base< T > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data< T, false > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data< T, true > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_data_dtor_base< T, true > | |
►Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_hash_base< T, typename > | |
Cstd::hash< phmap::optional< T > > | |
Cphmap::optional_internal::optional_hash_base< T, decltype(std::hash< phmap::remove_const_t< T > >()(std::declval< phmap::remove_const_t< T > >()))> | |
Cnim::OtherClientPres | 多端登陆客户端信息 |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::OurFeatures | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::OurReader | |
Cnstd::pair< first_type, second_type > | |
Cphmap::priv::memory_internal::IsLayoutCompatible< K, V >::Pair | |
Cnstd::pair< size_t, nstd::_shared_ptr< t_delegator > > | |
►Cphmap::parallel_flat_hash_map< K, V, hash_default_hash< K >, hash_default_eq< K >, Allocator< Pair< const K, V > > > | |
Cnstd::parallel_map< K, V, Hash, Eq, Alloc, N, Mtx > | |
►Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::parallel_flat_hash_set< T, hash_default_hash< T >, hash_default_eq< T >, Allocator< T > > | |
►Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_map< N, phmap::priv::raw_hash_set, Mtx_, phmap::priv::FlatHashMapPolicy< K, V >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::parallel_flat_hash_map< K, V, Hash, Eq, Alloc, N, Mtx_ > | |
►Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_map< N, phmap::priv::raw_hash_set, Mtx_, phmap::priv::NodeHashMapPolicy< Key, Value >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::parallel_node_hash_map< Key, Value, Hash, Eq, Alloc, N, Mtx_ > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_map< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, phmap::priv::raw_hash_set, Mtx_, phmap::priv::FlatHashMapPolicy< K, V >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, phmap::priv::raw_hash_set, Mtx_, phmap::priv::FlatHashSetPolicy< T >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::parallel_flat_hash_set< T, Hash, Eq, Alloc, N, Mtx_ > | |
Cnstd::parallel_set< T, Hash, Eq, Alloc, N, Mtx > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, phmap::priv::raw_hash_set, Mtx_, phmap::priv::FlatHashSetPolicy< T >, hash_default_hash< T >, hash_default_eq< T >, Allocator< T > > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, phmap::priv::raw_hash_set, Mtx_, phmap::priv::NodeHashMapPolicy< Key, Value >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, phmap::priv::raw_hash_set, Mtx_, phmap::priv::NodeHashSetPolicy< T >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::parallel_node_hash_set< T, Hash, Eq, Alloc, N, Mtx_ > | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::Inner::Params | |
Cphmap::compare_internal::partial_ordering_base< T > | |
►Cphmap::compare_internal::partial_ordering_base< partial_ordering > | |
Cphmap::partial_ordering | |
Cnim::PassThroughProxy | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Path | Experimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::PathArgument | Experimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node |
Cphmap::phmap_mix< n > | |
Cphmap::phmap_mix< 4 > | |
Cphmap::phmap_mix< 8 > | |
Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< ArgumentType, ResultType > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< bool, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< bool > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< char, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< char > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< double, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< double > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< float, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< float > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< int16_t, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< int16_t > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< int32_t, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< int32_t > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< int64_t, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< int64_t > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< signed char, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< signed char > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< uint16_t, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< uint16_t > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< uint32_t, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< uint32_t > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< uint64_t, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< uint64_t > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< unsigned char, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< unsigned char > | |
►Cphmap::phmap_unary_function< wchar_t, size_t > | |
Cphmap::Hash< wchar_t > | |
Cnim::PictureInfo | 文档传输的图片信息 |
Cnim::PinMessageInfo | Pin消息属性 |
Cnim::TalkEx::PinMsg | |
►Cnstd::any::placeholder | |
Cnstd::any::holder< _ValueType > | |
Cnim::PluginIn | NIM SDK 提供的plugin接入接口类 |
Cphmap::pointer_traits< Ptr > | |
Cphmap::pointer_traits< T * > | |
Cphmap::priv::probe_seq< Width > | |
Cnim::ProgressData | 传输过程中的数据 |
Cnim::QChat | 圈组客户端接口 |
Cnim::QChatAddChannelCategoryMemberRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatAddChannelCategoryMemberRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatAddChannelCategoryRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatAddChannelCategoryRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatAddChannelRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatAddChannelRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatAddMemberRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatAddMemberRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatAddMembersToServerRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatAddMembersToServerRoleResp | |
CQChatAddQuickCommentResp | |
Cnim::QChatAreMentionedMeMessagesParam | |
Cnim::QChatAreMentionedMeMessagesResp | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentCustomTokenResp | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentDownloadParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentDownloadResp | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentProgressResp | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentRegCustomTokenCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentRegDownloadCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentRegProgressCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentRegUploadCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentStopDownloadParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentStopUploadParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentUploadParam | |
Cnim::QChatAttachmentUploadResp | |
Cnim::QChatBaseResp | |
Cnim::QChatBusinessAntiSpamInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryCreateParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryCreateResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetExistingWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetExistingWhiteBlackMembersResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackMembersPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackMembersPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackRolesPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryGetWhiteBlackRolesPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryMemberRoleInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryRemoveParam | |
CQChatChannelCategoryRemoveResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryUpdateParam | |
CQChatChannelCategoryUpdateResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
CQChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackMembersResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackRoleParam | |
CQChatChannelCategoryUpdateWhiteBlackRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCreateParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCreateResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelDeleteParam | |
CQChatChannelDeleteResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetCategoriesByIDParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetCategoriesByIDResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetCategoriesPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetCategoriesPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetCategoryChannelsPageParam | |
CQChatChannelGetCategoryChannelsPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetChannelsPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetChannelsPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetChannelsParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetChannelsResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackMembersResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetExistingWhiteBlackRolesResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetMembersPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetRTCInfoParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetRTCInfoResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetRTCOnlineMembersParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetRTCOnlineMembersResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetWhiteBlackMembersPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetWhiteBlackMembersPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetWhiteBlackRolesPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelGetWhiteBlackRolesPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelMemberSearchParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelMemberSearchResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelQueryUnreadInfoParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelQueryUnreadInfoResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelRegUnreadCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelRTCAudioInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelRTCInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelRTCVideoInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelSearchPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelSubscribeAsVisitorParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelSubscribeAsVisitorResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelSubscribeParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelSubscribeResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelUnreadResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelUpdateCategoryInfoParam | |
CQChatChannelUpdateCategoryInfoResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelUpdateParam | |
CQChatChannelUpdateResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelUpdateRTCInfoParam | |
CQChatChannelUpdateRTCInfoResp | |
Cnim::QChatChannelUpdateWhiteBlackMembersParam | |
Cnim::QChatChannelUpdateWhiteBlackRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatCheckPermissionParam | |
Cnim::QChatCheckPermissionResp | |
Cnim::QChatCheckPermissionsParam | |
Cnim::QChatCheckPermissionsResp | |
Cnim::QChatCleanupParam | |
Cnim::QChatCreateServerRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatCreateServerRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatCustomTokenResp | |
Cnim::QChatDeleteMessageParam | |
Cnim::QChatDeleteServerRoleParam | |
CQChatDeleteServerRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatDeleteTextCacheParam | |
Cnim::QChatEncryptionConfiguration | |
Cnim::QChatFCSConfiguration | |
Cnim::QChatGetChannelCategoryMemberRolesPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetChannelCategoryMemberRolesPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetChannelCategoryRolesPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetChannelCategoryRolesPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetChannelRolesParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetChannelRolesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetExistingAccidsInServerRoleParam | |
CQChatGetExistingAccidsInServerRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetExistingAccidsOfMemberRolesParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetExistingAccidsOfMemberRolesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetExistingChannelRolesByServerRoleIdsParam | |
CQChatGetExistingChannelRolesByServerRoleIdsResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetExistingServerRolesByAccidsParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetExistingServerRolesByAccidsResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetLastMessagesParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetLastMessagesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetMemberRolesParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetMemberRolesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetMembersFromServerRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetMembersFromServerRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetMentionedMeMessagesParam | |
CQChatGetMentionedMeMessagesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetMessageHistoryByIdsParam | |
CQChatGetMessageHistoryByIdsResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetMessagesCacheParam | |
CQChatGetMessagesCacheResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetMessagesParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetMessagesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetQuickCommentsParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetQuickCommentsResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetReferMessagesParam | |
CQChatGetReferMessagesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetRolesByAccidParam | |
CQChatGetRolesByAccidResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetRTCTokenParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetRTCTokenResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetServerRolesParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetServerRolesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetTextCacheParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetTextCacheResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetThreadMessagesParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetThreadMessagesResp | |
Cnim::QChatGetThreadRootMessagesMetaParam | |
Cnim::QChatGetThreadRootMessagesMetaResp | |
Cnim::QChatInitParam | |
Cnim::QChatInsertOrReplaceTextCacheParam | |
Cnim::QChatInviteApplyRecord | |
►Cnim::QChatInviteApplyRecordData | |
Cnim::QChatApplyInfoData | |
Cnim::QChatBeInvitedInfoData | |
Cnim::QChatGenerateInviteCodeInfoData | |
Cnim::QChatInviteInfoData | |
Cnim::QChatJoinByInviteCodeInfoData | |
Cnim::QChatInviteUserInfo | |
Cnim::QChatKickedResp | |
Cnim::QChatKickParam | |
Cnim::QChatKickResp | |
Cnim::QChatLoginClientInfo | |
Cnim::QChatLoginParam | |
Cnim::QChatLoginResp | |
Cnim::QChatLoginStatusResp | |
Cnim::QChatLogoutParam | |
Cnim::QChatLogoutResp | |
Cnim::QChatMarkMessageReadParam | |
Cnim::QChatMarkMessageReadResp | |
CQChatMarkReadSystemNotificationResp | |
Cnim::QChatMarkSystemNotificationsReadParam | |
CQChatMarkSystemNotificationsReadResp | |
CQChatMemberAccountId | |
Cnim::QChatMemberBanInfo | |
Cnim::QChatMemberInfo | |
Cnim::QChatMemberRoleInfo | |
Cnim::QChatMessageAntiSpamInfo | |
Cnim::QChatMessageCacheConfiguration | |
Cnim::QChatMessageSearchPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatMessageSearchPageResp | |
►Cnim::QChatMessageSend | |
Cnim::QChatMessage | |
Cnim::QChatMessageThreadInfo | |
Cnim::QChatMessageUpdateContent | |
Cnim::QChatMessageUpdateInfo | |
Cnim::QChatMessageUpdateOpeInfo | |
Cnim::QChatMsgUpdatedResp | |
Cnim::QChatMultispotLoginResp | |
Cnim::QChatPageInfo | |
CQChatPermission | |
Cnim::QChatQuickCommentDetail | |
Cnim::QChatQuickCommentInfo | |
Cnim::QChatQuickCommentParam< operation, TCParam, TCResponse > | |
Cnim::QChatRecvMsgResp | |
Cnim::QChatRecvSystemNotificationResp | |
Cnim::QChatRecvTypingEventResp | |
Cnim::QChatRegCustomTokenCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegKickedCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegLoginStatusCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegMsgUpdatedCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegMultispotLoginCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegRecvMsgCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegRecvSystemNotificationCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegRecvTypingEventCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRegSystemNotificationUpdatedCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatRemoveChannelCategoryMemberRoleParam | |
CQChatRemoveChannelCategoryMemberRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatRemoveChannelCategoryRoleParam | |
CQChatRemoveChannelCategoryRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatRemoveChannelRoleParam | |
CQChatRemoveChannelRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatRemoveMemberRoleParam | |
CQChatRemoveMemberRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatRemoveMembersFromServerRoleParam | |
CQChatRemoveMembersFromServerRoleResp | |
CQChatRemoveQuickCommentResp | |
Cnim::QChatReplyMessageParam | |
CQChatReplyMessageResp | |
Cnim::QChatRevokeMessageParam | |
►Cnim::QChatRoleInfoBase | |
Cnim::QChatChannelCategoryRoleInfo | |
Cnim::QChatChannelRoleInfo | |
Cnim::QChatServerRoleInfo | |
Cnim::QChatRoleMemberInfo | |
Cnim::QChatSDKLogResp | |
Cnim::QChatSendMessageParam | |
Cnim::QChatSendMessageResp | |
Cnim::QChatSendSystemNotificationParam | |
Cnim::QChatSendSystemNotificationResp | |
Cnim::QChatSendTypingEventParam | |
Cnim::QChatSendTypingEventResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerAcceptApplyParam | |
CQChatServerAcceptApplyResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerAcceptInviteParam | |
CQChatServerAcceptInviteResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerApplyParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerApplyResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerBanMemberParam | |
CQChatServerBanMemberResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerCreateParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerCreateResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerDeleteParam | |
CQChatServerDeleteResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerEnterAsVisitorParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerEnterAsVisitorResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerGenerateInviteCodeParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerGenerateInviteCodeResp | QChatServerGenerateInviteCodeResp |
Cnim::QChatServerGetBannedMembersPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetBannedMembersPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfSelfParam | |
CQChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfSelfResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfServerParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetInviteApplyRecordOfServerResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetMembersPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetMembersParam | |
►Cnim::QChatServerGetMembersResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetMembersPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetServersPageParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetServersParam | |
►Cnim::QChatServerGetServersResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerGetServersPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerInfo | |
Cnim::QChatServerInviteParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerInviteResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerJoinByInviteCodeParam | |
CQChatServerJoinByInviteCodeResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerKickParam | |
CQChatServerKickResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerLeaveAsVisitorParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerLeaveAsVisitorResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerLeaveParam | |
CQChatServerLeaveResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerMarkReadParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerMarkReadResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerMemberSearchParam | |
CQChatServerMemberSearchResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerRegUnreadCbParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerRejectApplyParam | |
CQChatServerRejectApplyResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerRejectInviteParam | |
CQChatServerRejectInviteResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerSearchPageParam | |
CQChatServerSearchPageResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerSubscribeAllChannelParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerSubscribeAllChannelResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerSubscribeAsVisitorParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerSubscribeAsVisitorResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerSubscribeParam | |
Cnim::QChatServerSubscribeResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerUnbanMemberParam | |
CQChatServerUnbanMemberResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerUnreadResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerUpdateMemberInfoParam | |
CQChatServerUpdateMemberInfoResp | |
Cnim::QChatServerUpdateParam | |
CQChatServerUpdateResp | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotification | |
►Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataBase | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryCreate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryRemove | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryWhiteBlackMembersUpdate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryWhiteBlackRoleUpdate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCreate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelRolePermissionChange | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelUpdate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelVisibilityChange | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataChannelVisitorVisibilityChange | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberApplyAccept | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberApplyDone | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberInviteAccept | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberInviteDone | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberKick | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberLeave | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberRolePermissionChange | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMemberUpdate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataMyMemberInfoUpdated | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataQuickCommentChanged | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerApply | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerApplyReject | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerCreate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerEnterLeave | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerInvite | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerInviteReject | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerJoinByInviteCode | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerRoleAddMember | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerRolePermissionChange | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataServerUpdate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataWhiteBlackMembersUpdate | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationDataWhiteBlackRoleUpdate | |
CQChatSystemNotificationDataChannelCategoryUpdate | |
CQChatSystemNotificationDataServerRoleRemoveMember | |
Cnim::QChatSystemNotificationUpdatedResp | |
Cnim::QChatTypingEvent | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateChannelCategoryMemberRoleParam | |
CQChatUpdateChannelCategoryMemberRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateChannelCategoryRoleParam | |
CQChatUpdateChannelCategoryRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateChannelRoleParam | |
CQChatUpdateChannelRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatUpdatedMyMemberInfo | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateMemberRoleParam | |
CQChatUpdateMemberRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateMessageParam | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateMessageResp | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateServerRoleParam | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateServerRolePrioritiesParam | |
CQChatUpdateServerRolePrioritiesResp | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateServerRoleResp | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateSystemNotificationParam | |
Cnim::QChatUpdateSystemNotificationResp | |
Cnim::QueryAllPinMessageResponse | 查询Pin Message应答参数定义 |
Cnim::QueryCollectsParm | 分页查询收藏列表参数 |
Cnim::MsgLog::QueryMsgAsyncParam | |
Cnim::MsgLog::QueryMsgByKeywordOnlineParam | |
Cnim::MsgLog::QueryMsgByKeywordParam | |
Cnim::MsgLog::QueryMsgByOptionsAsyncParam | |
Cnim::QueryMsglogResult | 查询到消息历史结果 |
Cnim::MsgLog::QueryMsgOnlineAsyncParam | |
Cnim::QueryQuickCommentsParam | 查询快捷回复参数定义 |
Cnim::QueryQuickCommentsResponse | 查询快捷回复参数定义 |
Cnim::QueryQuickCommentsResponse::QueryQuickCommentsResponseItem | |
Cnim::SessionOnLineServiceHelper::QuerySessionListResult | 会话服务 查询会话列表应答数据定义 |
Cnim::MsgLog::QueryThreadHistoryMsgAsyncParam | |
Cnim::TalkEx::QuickComment | |
Cnim::QuickCommentInfo | 快捷回复属性 |
►Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::flat_hash_set< T, hash_default_hash< T >, hash_default_eq< T >, Allocator< T > > | |
Cphmap::flat_hash_set< V2NIMConversationType, hash_default_hash< V2NIMConversationType >, hash_default_eq< V2NIMConversationType >, Allocator< V2NIMConversationType > > | |
►Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_map< phmap::priv::FlatHashMapPolicy< K, V >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::flat_hash_map< K, V, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_map< phmap::priv::NodeHashMapPolicy< Key, Value >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::node_hash_map< Key, Value, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_map< Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< phmap::priv::FlatHashMapPolicy< K, V >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< phmap::priv::FlatHashSetPolicy< T >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::flat_hash_set< T, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cnstd::set< V2NIMConversationType > | |
Cnstd::set< T, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< phmap::priv::FlatHashSetPolicy< T >, hash_default_hash< T >, hash_default_eq< T >, Allocator< T > > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< phmap::priv::FlatHashSetPolicy< V2NIMConversationType >, hash_default_hash< V2NIMConversationType >, hash_default_eq< V2NIMConversationType >, Allocator< V2NIMConversationType > > | |
Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< phmap::priv::NodeHashMapPolicy< Key, Value >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
►Cphmap::priv::raw_hash_set< phmap::priv::NodeHashSetPolicy< T >, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cphmap::node_hash_set< T, Hash, Eq, Alloc > | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Reader | Unserialize a JSON document into a Value |
Cphmap::LockableBaseImpl< MutexType >::ReadLock | |
Cphmap::LockableBaseImpl< MutexType >::ReadLocks | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::SecureAllocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::RebindAlloc< T, U, bool > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::RebindAlloc< A, U, true > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::RebindFirstArg< T, U > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::RebindFirstArg< Class< T, Args... >, U > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::RebindPtr< T, U, typename > | |
Cphmap::memory_internal::RebindPtr< T, U, void_t< typename T::template rebind< U > > > | |
Cnim::RecallMsgNotify | 消息撤回通知 |
Cnstd::remove_const< T > | |
Cnstd::remove_const< const T > | |
Cnstd::remove_cr< T > | |
Cnstd::remove_reference< T > | |
Cnstd::remove_reference< T & > | |
Cnstd::remove_reference< T && > | |
Cnim::RemoveCollectsParm | 收藏内容参数 |
Cnim::RemoveQuickCommentParam | 删除快捷回复参数定义 |
Cphmap::priv::RequireUsableKey< ContainerKey, Hash, Eq > | |
Cnim_http::ResponseCallbackUserData | |
Cnstd::result_traits< R > | |
►Cnstd::result_traits< F::result_type > | |
Cnstd::result_traits< type< F > > | |
Cphmap::priv::hash_policy_traits< Policy, class >::ReturnKey | |
Cphmap::priv::parallel_hash_set< N, RefSet, Mtx_, Policy, Hash, Eq, Alloc >::ReturnKey_ | |
Cnim::Robot | NIM SDK提供的Robot接口 |
Cnim::RobotInfo | 机器人信息 |
Cnim_chatroom::RobotInfo | 机器人信息 |
Cnim::Role | 圈组身份组 |
Cnim::Rts | NIM Rts提供的相关接口 |
Cnim::RtsStartInfo | 点对点白板发起的参数信息 |
Cnim::SDKConfig | SDK初始化参数 |
Cnim::Global::SDKDBErrorInfo | |
Cnim::SDKInstance | SDK库辅助类,提供加载/卸载SDK库以及获取接口的方法 |
Cphmap::priv::SearchResult< V, IsCompareTo > | |
Cphmap::priv::SearchResult< V, false > | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::SecureAllocator< T > | |
Cnim::SendMessageArc | 发送消息回执 |
Cnim::Server | 圈组服务器 |
Cnim::Session | 会话列表管理功能,主要包括查询会话列表、删除会话列表等功能 |
Cnim::SessionData | 会话数据 |
Cnim::SessionDataList | 会话列表数据 |
Cnim::SessionOnLineServiceHelper::SessionInfo | 会话服务 会话数据定义 |
CSessionMainTagInfo | |
Cnim::SessionOnLineService | |
Cnim::SessionOnLineServiceHelper | |
CSessionRoamMsgHasMoreTagInfo | |
Cphmap::priv::set_slot_policy< Key > | |
Cnim::Signaling | Namespace nim |
Cnim::SignalingAcceptParam | 接受邀请接口nim_signaling_accept的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingCallParam | 呼叫接口nim_signaling_call的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingCancelInviteParam | 取消邀请接口nim_signaling_cancel_invite的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingChannelDetailedinfo | 频道的详细信息,包含频道信息及成员列表 |
Cnim::SignalingChannelInfo | 频道属性 |
Cnim::SignalingCloseParam | 关闭频道接口nim_signaling_close的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingControlParam | 控制通知接口nim_signaling_control的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingCreateParam | 创建频道接口nim_signaling_create的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingInviteParam | 邀请接口nim_signaling_invite的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingJoinAndAcceptParam | |
Cnim::SignalingJoinParam | 加入频道接口nim_signaling_query_channel_info的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingLeaveParam | 离开频道接口nim_signaling_leave的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingMemberInfo | 成员属性 |
►Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfo | 事件通知信息基类 |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoAccept | 接收邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeAccept |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoCancelInvite | 取消邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeCancelInvite |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoClose | 频道关闭事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeClose |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoControl | 控制事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeCtrl |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoInvite | 邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeInvite |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoJoin | 加入频道事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeJoin |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoLeave | 退出频道事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeLeave |
Cnim::SignalingNotifyInfoReject | 拒绝邀请事件通知信息,event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeReject |
Cnim::SignalingPushInfo | 推送属性 |
Cnim::SignalingQueryChannelInfoParam | 查询频道接口nim_signaling_join的传入参数 |
Cnim::SignalingRejectParam | 拒绝接口nim_signaling_reject的传入参数 |
►Cnim::SignalingResParam | 独立信令操作回调参数基类 |
Cnim::SignalingCallExResParam | |
Cnim::SignalingCancelInviteResParam | 取消邀请结果回调信息,暂时为空 |
Cnim::SignalingCloseResParam | 关闭频道结果回调信息 |
Cnim::SignalingControlResParam | 控制通知结果回调信息,暂时为空 |
Cnim::SignalingCreateResParam | 创建频道结果回调信息 |
Cnim::SignalingInviteResParam | 邀请结果回调信息,暂时为空 |
Cnim::SignalingJoinAndAcceptResParam | |
►Cnim::SignalingJoinResParam | 加入频道结果回调信息 |
Cnim::SignalingAcceptResParam | 接受邀请结果回调信息,在自动加入成功后返回有效 |
Cnim::SignalingCallResParam | 呼叫结果回调信息 |
Cnim::SignalingLeaveResParam | 离开频道结果回调信息,暂时为空 |
Cnim::SignalingQueryChannelInfoResParam | 查询频道结果回调信息 |
Cnim::SignalingRejectResParam | 拒绝邀请结果回调信息,暂时为空 |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::SingleMemberUnion< T > | |
Cphmap::Span< T > | |
Cnim::SpecialRelationshipChangeEvent | 黑名单和静音名单变更通知 |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StaticString | Lightweight wrapper to tag static string |
Cnim::StickTopSession | |
Cnim::StickTopSessionInfo | 会话数据 |
Cnim::StickTopSessionList | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_compressed_tuple::Storage< D, I, bool > | |
►Cphmap::priv::internal_compressed_tuple::Storage< CompressedTuple< Ts... >, std::integral_constant< size_t, I >::value > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_compressed_tuple::CompressedTupleImpl< CompressedTuple< Ts... >, phmap::index_sequence< I... > > | |
►Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StreamWriter | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::BuiltStyledStreamWriter | |
Cphmap::priv::StringBtreeDefaultGreater | |
Cphmap::priv::StringBtreeDefaultLess | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Value::CZString::StringStorage | |
Cphmap::base_internal::StrippedAccept< Derived > | |
►Cphmap::base_internal::StrippedAccept< DataMemAndPtr > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::DataMemAndPtr | |
►Cphmap::base_internal::StrippedAccept< DataMemAndRef > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::DataMemAndRef | |
►Cphmap::base_internal::StrippedAccept< MemFunAndPtr > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndPtr | |
►Cphmap::base_internal::StrippedAccept< MemFunAndRef > | |
Cphmap::base_internal::MemFunAndRef | |
Cphmap::compare_internal::strong_equality_base< T > | |
►Cphmap::compare_internal::strong_equality_base< strong_equality > | |
Cphmap::strong_equality | |
Cphmap::compare_internal::strong_ordering_base< T > | |
►Cphmap::compare_internal::strong_ordering_base< strong_ordering > | |
Cphmap::strong_ordering | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::OurReader::StructuredError | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Reader::StructuredError | An error tagged with where in the JSON text it was encountered |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StyledStreamWriter | Writes a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string |
Cnim::SubscribeEvent | NIM 订阅事件相关接口 |
Cnim::SuperTeam | 超大群组功能;主要包括查询群信息、查询群成员信息、加人、踢人等功能 |
Cnim::SuperTeamEvent | 群组事件通知 |
Cnim::SuperTeamInfo | 群组信息 |
Cnim::SuperTeamMemberKeywordSearchOption | 超大群群成员关键字搜索参数 |
Cnim::SuperTeamMemberProperty | 群组成员信息 |
Cnim::SuperTeamMemberRoleTypeSearchOption | 超大群群成员检索参数 |
Cnim::SuperTeamMemberSerachResult | 超大群群成员搜索结果 |
Cnim::SysMessage | 系统消息和自定义通知数据 |
Cnim::SysMessageSetting | 系统消息和自定义通知属性设置 |
Cnim::SystemMsg | 系统消息接口;主要包括查询系统消息、删除系统消息等功能 |
Cnim::SystemNotification | 圈组系统通知 |
►CT | |
Cphmap::conjunction< T > | |
Cphmap::disjunction< T > | |
Cnim::Talk | 聊天功能,主要包括消息收发、消息撤回、消息回复(Thread 场景)等功能 |
Cnim::TalkEx | 聊天功能;主要包括收藏、快捷回复、PinMessage、ThreadMessage、置顶会话 |
Cnim::Team | 群组功能;主要包括查询群信息、查询群成员信息、加人、踢人等功能 |
Cnim::TeamEvent | 群组事件通知 |
Cnim::TeamInfo | 群组信息 |
Cnim::TeamMemberProperty | 群组成员信息 |
Cnim::TeamMemberRoleTypeSearchOption | 群成员检索参数 |
Cnim::TeamMemberSerachResult | 群成员搜索结果 |
►CDerived::template AcceptImpl | |
Cphmap::base_internal::StrippedAccept< Derived >::Accept< Args > | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::OurReader::Token | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Reader::Token | |
Cnim::Tool | NIM SDK提供的一些工具接口,主要包括获取SDK里app account对应的app data目录,计算md5等 |
Cphmap::priv::node_handle_base< PolicyTraits, Alloc >::transfer_tag_t | |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Cphmap::conjunction<> | |
Cphmap::priv::IsDecomposable< phmap::void_t< decltype(Policy::apply(RequireUsableKey< typename Policy::key_type, Hash, Eq >(), std::declval< Ts >()...))>, Policy, Hash, Eq, Ts... > | |
Cphmap::priv::IsTransparent< T, phmap::void_t< typename T::is_transparent > > | |
Cphmap::priv::hashtable_debug_internal::has_member_type_EmbeddedSet< T, phmap::void_t< typename T::EmbeddedSet > > | |
Cphmap::priv::hashtable_debug_internal::has_member_type_raw_hash_set< T, phmap::void_t< typename T::raw_hash_set > > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsHashable< Key, phmap::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< std::hash< Key > & >()(std::declval< Key const & >())), std::size_t >::value > > | |
Cphmap::try_to_lock_t | |
Cnstd::tuple< TArgs > | |
►Cnstd::tuple< TArgs... > | |
Cnstd::tuple< T, TArgs... > | |
Cnstd::tuple<> | |
Cnstd::tuple_at< N, TArgs > | |
Cnstd::tuple_at< 0, tuple< T, TArgs... > > | |
Cnstd::tuple_at< N, tuple< T, TArgs... > > | |
►Cstd::tuple_element | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_compressed_tuple::Elem< CompressedTuple< B... >, I > | |
Cnstd::tuple_valid_param_count | |
►Cis_detected_convertible_impl::type | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected_convertible< To, Op, Args > | |
►Cis_detected_impl::type | |
►Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected< IsNothrowSwappableImpl, T > | |
Cphmap::swap_internal::IsNothrowSwappable< T > | |
►Cis_detected_impl::type | |
►Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected< IsSwappableImpl, T > | |
Cphmap::swap_internal::IsSwappable< T > | |
►Cis_detected_impl::type | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected< Op, Args > | |
►Cis_detected_impl::type | |
►Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected< type_traits_internal::IsCopyAssignableImpl, T > | |
Cphmap::is_copy_assignable< T > | |
►Cis_detected_impl::type | |
►Cphmap::type_traits_internal::is_detected< type_traits_internal::IsMoveAssignableImpl, T > | |
Cphmap::is_move_assignable< T > | |
►CIsConvertibleHelper::type | |
Cphmap::span_internal::IsConvertible< From, To > | |
Cnstd::type< T > | |
►Cphmap::is_trivially_move_assignable< T >::type | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsTriviallyMoveAssignableReference< T & > | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::IsTriviallyMoveAssignableReference< T && > | |
►Cstd::conditional::type | |
Cphmap::conjunction< T, Ts... > | |
►Cstd::conditional::type | |
Cphmap::disjunction< T, Ts... > | |
Cphmap::priv::internal_layout::Type< Aligned< T, N > > | |
Cnstd::any::type_id_for_t< T > | |
Cnstd::type_id_t | |
Cnim::UploadAttachementCallbacks | |
Cnim::UploadCallbackExUserData | |
Cnim::UploadCallbackUserData | |
Cnim::UploadCallbackUserDataMaker | |
Cnim::UploadMediaResult | 上传完成的结果 |
Cphmap::priv::upper_bound_adapter< Compare > | |
Cnim::User | NIM SDK提供的用户相关接口 |
►Cnim::UserNameCard | 云信用户名片 |
Cnim::AIUserNameCard | AI 数字人用户信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMAddCollectionParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMAIListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMAIModelCallContent | 调用大模型的请求内容 |
Cv2::V2NIMAIModelCallMessage | |
Cv2::V2NIMAIModelCallResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMAIModelConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMAIModelConfigParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMAIService | AI 数字人服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMAntispamConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMBasicOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMBroadcastNotification | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomCdnInfo | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomClient | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomClientListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomEnterInfo | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomEnterParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomEnterResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomInfo | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomKickedInfo | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomLocationConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomLoginOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMember | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMemberListResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMemberQueryOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMemberRoleUpdateParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMessage | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMessageConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMessageCreator | 聊天室消息创建器 |
Cv2::V2NIMChatRoomMessageCustomAttachmentParser | 聊天室自定义消息附件解析器 |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMessageListOption | |
Cv2::internal::V2NIMChatroomMessageUtilInternal | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomQueueElement | 聊天室队列元素 |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomQueueListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomQueueOfferParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomQueueService | |
Cv2::internal::V2NIMChatroomSdkExport | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomSelfMemberUpdateParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomService | 聊天室服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomTagConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomTagMemberOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomTagMessageOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomTagsUpdateParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomTagTempChatBannedParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomUpdateParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMClearHistoryMessageOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMClearHistoryNotification | |
Cv2::V2NIMClient | |
Cv2::V2NIMClientAntispamResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMClientAntispamThesaurus | |
Cv2::V2NIMClientAntispamThesaurusItem | |
Cv2::V2NIMClientAntispamUtil | 本地反垃圾工具 |
Cv2::internal::V2NIMClientAntispamUtilInternal | |
Cv2::V2NIMCollection | |
Cv2::V2NIMCollectionListResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMCollectionOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversation | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationFilter | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationGroup | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationGroupListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationGroupResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationGroupService | 会话分组服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationIdUtil | 会话ID工具 |
Cv2::internal::V2NIMConversationIdUtilInternal | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationOperationResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationService | 会话服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMConversationUpdate | |
Cv2::V2NIMCreateTeamParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMCreateTeamResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMCustomNotification | |
Cv2::V2NIMCustomUserStatusParams | 自定义用户状态参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMCustomUserStatusPublishResult | 自定义用户状态发布结果 |
Cv2::V2NIMDatabaseOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMDataSyncDetail | |
Cv2::V2NIMDndConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMDownloadMessageAttachmentParams | 下载消息附件资源请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMError | |
Cv2::V2NIMFCSOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriend | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendAddApplication | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendAddApplicationQueryOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendAddApplicationResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendAddParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendDeleteParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendSearchOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendService | 好友服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMFriendSetParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMGetMediaResourceInfoResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMInitOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMKickedOfflineDetail | |
Cv2::V2NIMLastMessage | |
Cv2::V2NIMLinkOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMLocalConversation | 本地会话信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMLocalConversationFilter | 本地会话过滤条件 |
Cv2::V2NIMLocalConversationListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMLocalConversationOption | 本地会话查询选项 |
Cv2::V2NIMLocalConversationResult | 本地会话查询结果 |
Cv2::V2NIMLocalConversationService | 本地会话服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMLocationInfo | |
Cv2::V2NIMLoginClient | |
Cv2::V2NIMLoginDetailListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMLoginListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMLoginOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMLoginService | 登录服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessage | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageAIConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageAIConfigParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageAIModelCallParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageAntispamConfig | |
►Cv2::V2NIMMessageAttachment | |
►Cv2::V2NIMChatroomNotificationAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomChatBannedNotificationAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMemberEnterNotificationAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMemberRoleUpdateAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomMessageRevokeNotificationAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMChatroomQueueNotificationAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageCallAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageCustomAttachment | 自定义消息附件 |
►Cv2::V2NIMMessageFileAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageAudioAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageImageAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageVideoAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageLocationAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageTeamNotificationAttachment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageAttachmentCreator | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageCallDuration | 话单消息通话时长描述信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageClientAntispamResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageConverter | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageCreator | IM 消息创建器 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageCustomAttachmentParser | 自定义消息附件解析器 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageDeletedNotification | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageListOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessagePin | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessagePinNotification | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessagePushConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageQueryTime | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageQuickComment | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageQuickCommentNotification | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageQuickCommentPushConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageRefer | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageRevokeNotification | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageRevokeParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageRobotConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageRouteConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageSearchExParams | 消息检索参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageSearchItem | 查询消息返回的结果项 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageSearchParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageSearchResult | 查询消息返回的结果 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageService | 消息服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageStatus | |
Cv2::V2NIMMessageTargetConfig | 群组定向消息数据结构 |
Cv2::internal::V2NIMMessageUtilInternal | |
Cv2::V2NIMModifyMessageParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMModifyMessageResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMNotificationAntispamConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMNotificationConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMNotificationListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMNotificationPushConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMNotificationRouteConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMNotificationService | 通知服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMP2PMessageReadReceipt | |
Cv2::V2NIMPassthroughListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMPassthroughService | |
Cv2::V2NIMPrivateServerOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMProxyAICallAntispamConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMProxyAIModelCallParams | AI 数字人代理请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMProxyNotify | 代理请求回调 |
Cv2::V2NIMProxyRequest | HTTP 代理请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMProxyResponse | HTTP 代理响应 |
Cv2::V2NIMSendChatroomMessageParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMSendChatroomMessageResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMSendCustomNotificationParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMSendMessageParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMSendMessageResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMSettingListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMSettingService | 通知服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingAcceptInviteParams | 拒绝别人邀请加入信令房间请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingCallParams | 信令呼叫参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingCallResult | 呼叫回包 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingCallSetupParams | 呼叫建立请求参数,包括接收方进入频道房间相关信息,以及接受方需要的相关音视频房间信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingCallSetupResult | 接受呼叫请求回包 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingCancelInviteParams | 取消之前的邀请成员加入信令房间请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingChannelInfo | 信令频道信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingEvent | 信令事件 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingInviteParams | 邀请成员加入信令房间请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingJoinParams | 加入信令房间请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingJoinResult | 加入信令房间结果 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingMember | 信令房间用户信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingPushConfig | 消息推送相关配置 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingRejectInviteParams | 拒绝别人邀请加入信令房间请求参数 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingRoomInfo | 信令房间相关信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingRtcConfig | 音视频相关配置 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingRtcInfo | 音视频房间信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMSignallingService | 信令服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMSize | |
Cv2::V2NIMStorageScene | |
Cv2::V2NIMStorageService | 存储服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMStorageUtil | |
Cv2::V2NIMSubscribeListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMSubscribeUserStatusOption | 事件订阅选项 |
Cv2::V2NIMSubscriptionService | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeam | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamJoinActionInfo | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamJoinActionInfoQueryOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamJoinActionInfoResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamMember | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamMemberListResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamMemberQueryOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamMemberSearchOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamMemberUpdateParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamMessageReadReceipt | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamMessageReadReceiptDetail | |
Cv2::V2NIMTeamService | 群组服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMThreadMessageListOption | |
Cv2::V2NIMThreadMessageListResult | |
Cv2::V2NIMUnsubscribeUserStatusOption | 取消订阅选项 |
Cv2::V2NIMUpdateSelfMemberInfoParams | |
►Cv2::V2NIMUpdateTeamInfoParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMUpdatedTeamInfo | 群组信息更新信息 |
Cv2::V2NIMUploadFileParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMUploadFileTask | |
►Cv2::V2NIMUser | |
Cv2::V2NIMAIUser | |
Cv2::V2NIMUserInfoConfig | |
Cv2::V2NIMUserListener | |
Cv2::V2NIMUserSearchOption | 用户搜索选项 |
Cv2::V2NIMUserService | 用户资料服务 |
Cv2::V2NIMUserStatus | 事件订阅用户状态 |
Cv2::V2NIMUserStatusSubscribeResult | 用户状态订阅结果 |
Cv2::V2NIMUserUpdateParams | |
Cv2::V2NIMVoiceToTextParams | |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Value | Represents a JSON value |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Value::ValueHolder | |
►Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::ValueIteratorBase | Base class for Value iterators |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::ValueConstIterator | Const iterator for object and array value |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::ValueIterator | Iterator for object and array value |
Cnim::VChat | |
Cphmap::type_traits_internal::VoidTImpl< Ts > | |
Cphmap::compare_internal::weak_equality_base< T > | |
►Cphmap::compare_internal::weak_equality_base< weak_equality > | |
Cphmap::weak_equality | |
Cphmap::compare_internal::weak_ordering_base< T > | |
►Cphmap::compare_internal::weak_ordering_base< weak_ordering > | |
Cphmap::weak_ordering | |
Cphmap::priv::memory_internal::WithConstructedImplF< T, F > | |
Cphmap::LockableBaseImpl< MutexType >::WriteLock | |
Cphmap::LockableBaseImpl< MutexType >::WriteLocks | |
►Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Writer | Abstract class for writers |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::FastWriter | Outputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly) |
Cnim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StyledWriter | Writes a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way |