String JSON_API | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::valueToString (LargestInt value) |
String JSON_API | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::valueToString (LargestUInt value) |
String JSON_API | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::valueToString (double value, unsigned int precision=Value::defaultRealPrecision, PrecisionType precisionType=PrecisionType::significantDigits) |
String JSON_API | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::valueToString (bool value) |
static bool | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::doesAnyCharRequireEscaping (char const *s, size_t n) |
static unsigned int | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::utf8ToCodepoint (const char *&s, const char *e) |
static String | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::toHex16Bit (unsigned int x) |
static void | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::appendRaw (String &result, unsigned ch) |
static void | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::appendHex (String &result, unsigned ch) |
static String | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::valueToQuotedStringN (const char *value, unsigned length, bool emitUTF8=false) |
String JSON_API | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::valueToQuotedString (const char *value) |
String JSON_API | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::writeString (StreamWriter::Factory const &factory, Value const &root) |
| Write into stringstream, then return string, for convenience. A StreamWriter will be created from the factory, used, and then deleted.
JSON_API OStream & | nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::operator<< (OStream &, const Value &root) |
| Output using the StyledStreamWriter.