NERtc iOS SDK  V4.4.301
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NERtcEngine类 参考

NERtcEngine class 更多...

#import <NERtcEngine.h>

类 NERtcEngine 继承关系图:
<INERtcEngineEx> <INERtcEngine>


(instancetype) + sharedEngine
 Gets the NERtcEngine instance. 更多...
(int) + destroyEngine
 Releases the NERtcEngine instance. 更多...


- 构造函数 继承自 <INERtcEngineEx>
(int) - enableDualStreamMode:
 Enables or disables the dual-stream mode. 更多...
(int) - setLocalMediaPriority:preemptive:
 Sets the priority of media streams from a local user. 更多...
(int) - setLocalPublishFallbackOption:
 Sets the fallback option for the published local video stream based on the network conditions. 更多...
(int) - setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption:
 Sets the fallback option for the subscribed remote audio and video stream with poor network connections. 更多...
(int) - muteLocalAudio:
 Stops or resumes publishing the local audio stream. 更多...
(int) - subscribeRemoteAudio:forUserID:
 Subscribes to or unsubscribes from audio streams from specified remote users. 更多...
(int) - subscribeAllRemoteAudio:
 Subscribes to or unsubscribes from audio streams from all remote users. 更多...
(int) - subscribeRemoteVideo:forUserID:streamType:
 Subscribes to or unsubscribes from video streams from specified remote users. 更多...
(int) - startPreview
 Enables video preview. 更多...
(int) - stopPreview
 Stops video preview. 更多...
(int) - setLocalRenderScaleMode:
 Sets the local video display mode. 更多...
(int) - setRemoteRenderScaleMode:forUserID:
 Sets the remote video display mode. 更多...
(int) - setVideoRotationMode:
 Sets the orientation mode for the local video. 更多...
(int) - muteLocalVideo:
 Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream. 更多...
(int) - setLoudspeakerMode:
 Enables or disables the audio playback route to the speakerphone. 更多...
(int) - getLoudspeakerMode:
 Checks whether the speakerphone is enabled. 更多...
(int) - startAudioDump
 Starts recording an audio dump file. 更多...
(int) - stopAudioDump
 Stops recording an audio dump file. 更多...
(int) - setExternalVideoSource:isScreen:
 Enables or disables the external video input source. 更多...
(int) - pushExternalVideoFrame:
 Publishes the external video frames. 更多...
(int) - setupLocalSubStreamVideoCanvas:
 Sets the local substream canvas. 更多...
(int) - startScreenCapture:
 Enables screen sharing. 更多...
(int) - stopScreenCapture
 Disables screen sharing with the substream transmission. 更多...
(int) - setLocalRenderSubStreamScaleMode:
 Sets the display mode of the local substream video for screen sharing. 更多...
(int) - setupRemoteSubStreamVideoCanvas:forUserID:
 Sets a remote substream canvas. 更多...
(int) - subscribeRemoteSubStreamVideo:forUserID:
 Subscribes to or unsubscribes from remote video substream for screen sharing. 更多...
(int) - setRemoteRenderSubStreamVideoScaleMode:forUserID:
 Sets the display mode of to remote substream video for screen sharing. 更多...
(int) - setAudioSessionOperationRestriction:
 Sets permissions of the SDK over Audio Session. 更多...
(int) - setPlayoutDeviceMute:
 Mutes or unmutes the audio playback device. 更多...
(int) - getPlayoutDeviceMute:
 Gets the mute status of the audio playback device. 更多...
(int) - setRecordDeviceMute:
 Mutes or unmutes the audio capture device. 更多...
(int) - getRecordDeviceMute:
 Checks whether the audio capture device is muted. 更多...
(BOOL) - isCameraZoomSupported
 Checks whether the camera zooming feature is supported. 更多...
(BOOL) - isCameraTorchSupported
 Checks whether the camera flash feature is supported. 更多...
(BOOL) - isCameraFocusSupported
 Checks whether the camera manual focus feature is supported. 更多...
(BOOL) - isCameraExposurePositionSupported
 Checks whether the camera exposure feature is supported. 更多...
(int) - setCameraExposurePosition:
 Sets the camera exposure position. 更多...
(int) - setCameraTorchOn:
 Enables or disables the camera flash feature. 更多...
(BOOL) - isCameraTorchOn
 Check whether the flash is turned on on the device. 更多...
(int) - setCameraZoomFactor:
 Sets the current camera zoom ratio. 更多...
(float) - maxCameraZoomScale
 Gets maximum zoom ratio supported by the camera. 更多...
(int) - setCameraFocusPositionX:Y:
 Sets the camera manual focus position. 更多...
(int) - startAudioMixingWithOption:
 Starts to play or mix the music file. 更多...
(int) - stopAudioMixing
 Stops playing or mixing the music file. 更多...
(int) - pauseAudioMixing
 Pauses playing and mixing the music file. 更多...
(int) - resumeAudioMixing
 The method resumes mixing audio playback and continues playing the mixing audio. 更多...
(int) - setAudioMixingSendVolume:
 Sets the publishing volume of the mixing audio. 更多...
(int) - getAudioMixingSendVolume:
 Gets the volume for publishing mixing audio. 更多...
(int) - setAudioMixingPlaybackVolume:
 Adjusts the volume of mixing audio for local playback. 更多...
(int) - getAudioMixingPlaybackVolume:
 Gets the playback volume of the mixing audio. 更多...
(int) - getAudioMixingDuration:
 Gets the duration of the mixing audio file. 更多...
(int) - getAudioMixingCurrentPosition:
 Gets the playback position of the mixing audio file. 更多...
(int) - setAudioMixingPosition:
 Sets the playback position of the mixing audio file to a different starting position. 更多...
(int) - playEffectWitdId:effectOption:
 Plays back a specified sound effect file. 更多...
(int) - stopEffectWitdId:
 Stops playing all sound effect files. 更多...
(int) - stopAllEffects
 Stops playing all sound effect files. 更多...
(int) - pauseEffectWitdId:
 Pauses playing a specified sound effect file. 更多...
(int) - resumeEffectWitdId:
 Resumes playing a specified sound effect file. 更多...
(int) - pauseAllEffects
 Pauses playing all sound effect files. 更多...
(int) - resumeAllEffects
 Resumes playing all sound effect files. 更多...
(int) - setEffectSendVolumeWithId:volume:
 Sets the publishing volume of a sound effect file. 更多...
(int) - getEffectSendVolumeWithId:volume:
 Gets the publishing volume of a specified sound effect file. 更多...
(int) - setEffectPlaybackVolumeWithId:volume:
 Sets the playback volume of the sound effect files. 更多...
(int) - getEffectPlaybackVolumeWithId:volume:
 Gets the playback volume of the sound effect files 更多...
(int) - getEffectDurationWithId:duration:
 Gets the duration of a sound effect file. 更多...
(int) - getEffectCurrentPositionWithId:position:
 Gets the playback position of a sound effect file. 更多...
(int) - enableEarback:volume:
 Enables the in-ear monitoring feature. 更多...
(int) - setEarbackVolume:
 Sets the volume for in-ear monitoring. 更多...
(int) - startAudioRecording:sampleRate:quality:
 Starts an audio recording from a client. 更多...
(int) - stopAudioRecording
 Stops the audio recording on the client. 更多...
(int) - setExternalAudioSource:sampleRate:channels:
 Sets the external audio input source. 更多...
(int) - pushExternalAudioFrame:
 Publishes the external audio frame. 更多...
(int) - setExternalAudioRender:sampleRate:channels:
 Sets external audio rendering. 更多...
(int) - pullExternalAudioFrame:length:
 Pulls the external audio data. 更多...
(int) - addEngineMediaStatsObserver:
 Registers a stats observer. 更多...
(int) - removeEngineMediaStatsObserver:
 Removes the specified media stats observer. 更多...
(int) - cleanupEngineMediaStatsObserver
 Clears all media stats observers. 更多...
(int) - addLiveStreamTask:compeltion:
 Adds a streaming task in a room. 更多...
(int) - updateLiveStreamTask:compeltion:
 Updates a streaming task. 更多...
(int) - removeLiveStreamTask:compeltion:
 Deletes a streaming task. 更多...
(int) - setRecordingAudioFrameParameters:
 Sets the format of audio capture. 更多...
(int) - setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters:
 Sets the audio playback format. 更多...
(int) - setMixedAudioFrameParameters:
 Sets the format of the recording and mixing audio. 更多...
(int) - setAudioFrameObserver:
 Registers the audio observer. 更多...
(int) - enableAudioVolumeIndication:interval:
 Enables reporting users' volume indication. 更多...
(int) - adjustRecordingSignalVolume:
 Adjusts the volume of captured signals. 更多...
(int) - adjustPlaybackSignalVolume:
 Adjusts the playback signal volume of all remote users. 更多...
(int) - adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume:forUserID:
 Adjust the volume of local signal playback from a specified remote user. 更多...
(int) - setLocalVoicePitch:
 Sets the voice pitch of the local audio. 更多...
(int) - setLocalVoiceEqualizationOfBandFrequency:withGain:
 Sets the local voice equalization effect, or customizes center frequencies of the local voice effects. 更多...
(int) - setVoiceBeautifierPreset:
 Sets an SDK preset voice beautifier effect. 更多...
(int) - setAudioEffectPreset:
 Sets an SDK preset voice changer effect. 更多...
(int) - setLocalCanvasWatermarkConfigs:withStreamType:
 Adds a watermark image to the local video. 更多...
(int) - setRemoteCanvasWatermarkConfigs:forUserID:withStreamType:
 Adds a watermark to the remote video canvas. 更多...
(int) - takeLocalSnapshot:callback:
 Takes a local video snapshot. 更多...
(int) - takeRemoteSnapshot:forUserID:callback:
 Takes a snapshot of a remote video. 更多...
(int) - uploadSdkInfo
 Uploads the SDK information. 更多...
(int) - sendSEIMsg:streamChannelType:
 Sends supplemental enhancement information (SEI) data through a specified bigstream or substream. 更多...
(int) - sendSEIMsg:
 Sends SEI data through the bigstream. 更多...
(int) - startChannelMediaRelay:
 Starts to relay media streams across rooms. 更多...
(int) - updateChannelMediaRelay:
 Updates the information of the destination room for media stream relay. 更多...
(int) - stopChannelMediaRelay
 Stops media stream relay across rooms. 更多...
(int) - enableSuperResolution:
 Enables or disables AI super resolution. 更多...
(int) - enableEncryption:config:
 Turns on or off media stream encryption. 更多...
(int) - setCloudProxy:
在内网环境下,如果用户防火墙开启了网络限制,请参考《使用云代理》将指定 IP 地址和端口号加入防火墙白名单,然后调用此方法开启云代理,并将 proxyType 参数设置为 NERtcTransportTypeUDPProxy(1),即指定使用 UDP 协议的云代理。 更多...
- 构造函数 继承自 <INERtcEngine>
(NERtcConnectionStateType- connectionState
 Gets the connection status. 更多...
(int) - setupEngineWithContext:
 Creates an NERtcEngine instance and initializes the NERTC SDK. 更多...
(int) - joinChannelWithToken:channelName:myUid:completion:
 Joins an RTC room. 更多...
(int) - leaveChannel
 Leaves a room, such as hanging up or ending a call. 更多...
(int) - switchChannelWithToken:channelName:completion:
 Switches to a different RTC room. 更多...
(int) - enableLocalAudio:
 Enables or disables local audio capture. 更多...
(int) - enableLocalVideo:
 Specifies whether to enable local video capture. 更多...
(int) - setChannelProfile:
 Sets a room scene. 更多...
(int) - setLocalVideoConfig:
 Sets the video encoding profile. 更多...
(int) - setAudioProfile:scenario:
 Sets the audio encoding profile. 更多...
(int) - setupLocalVideoCanvas:
 Sets the local view. 更多...
(int) - setupRemoteVideoCanvas:forUserID:
 Sets views for remote users. 更多...
(int) - switchCamera
 Switches between the front and rear cameras. 更多...
(int) - setClientRole:
 Sets the role of a user in live streaming. 更多...
(int) - setParameters:
 Sets parameters for audio and video calls. 更多...


NERtcEngine class


◆ destroyEngine

+ (int) destroyEngine

Releases the NERtcEngine instance.

If the app does not need the NERtcEngine instance, you can call this method to release the resources occupied by the NERtcEngine instance.

  1. The API is implemented in the synchronous approach and must be called in a subthread. Otherwise, the operation may fail. For example: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ [NERtcEngine destroyEngine]; });
  2. The API cannot be used as a callback in the SDK. If the SDK cannot call other methods until the API returns a response.
  3. If the API returns a response, and you want to use the SDK for another time, you can call sharedEngine to get a new NERtcEngine instance.

◆ sharedEngine

+ (instancetype) sharedEngine

Gets the NERtcEngine instance.

After you get the NERtcEngine instance, the instance remains the same until it is deleted by calling the destroyEngine method.

The NERtcEngine instance.
