NERtcEngine class 更多...
#import <NERtcEngine.h>
类方法 | |
(instancetype) | + sharedEngine |
Gets the NERtcEngine instance. 更多... | |
(int) | + destroyEngine |
Releases the NERtcEngine instance. 更多... | |
额外继承的成员函数 | |
![]() | |
(int) | - enableDualStreamMode: |
Enables or disables the dual-stream mode. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalMediaPriority:preemptive: |
Sets the priority of media streams from a local user. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalPublishFallbackOption: |
Sets the fallback option for the published local video stream based on the network conditions. 更多... | |
(int) | - setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption: |
Sets the fallback option for the subscribed remote audio and video stream with poor network connections. 更多... | |
(int) | - muteLocalAudio: |
Stops or resumes publishing the local audio stream. 更多... | |
(int) | - subscribeRemoteAudio:forUserID: |
Subscribes to or unsubscribes from audio streams from specified remote users. 更多... | |
(int) | - subscribeAllRemoteAudio: |
Subscribes to or unsubscribes from audio streams from all remote users. 更多... | |
(int) | - subscribeRemoteVideo:forUserID:streamType: |
Subscribes to or unsubscribes from video streams from specified remote users. 更多... | |
(int) | - startPreview |
Enables video preview. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopPreview |
Stops video preview. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalRenderScaleMode: |
Sets the local video display mode. 更多... | |
(int) | - setRemoteRenderScaleMode:forUserID: |
Sets the remote video display mode. 更多... | |
(int) | - setVideoRotationMode: |
Sets the orientation mode for the local video. 更多... | |
(int) | - muteLocalVideo: |
Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLoudspeakerMode: |
Enables or disables the audio playback route to the speakerphone. 更多... | |
(int) | - getLoudspeakerMode: |
Checks whether the speakerphone is enabled. 更多... | |
(int) | - startAudioDump |
Starts recording an audio dump file. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopAudioDump |
Stops recording an audio dump file. 更多... | |
(int) | - setExternalVideoSource:isScreen: |
Enables or disables the external video input source. 更多... | |
(int) | - pushExternalVideoFrame: |
Publishes the external video frames. 更多... | |
(int) | - setupLocalSubStreamVideoCanvas: |
Sets the local substream canvas. 更多... | |
(int) | - startScreenCapture: |
Enables screen sharing. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopScreenCapture |
Disables screen sharing with the substream transmission. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalRenderSubStreamScaleMode: |
Sets the display mode of the local substream video for screen sharing. 更多... | |
(int) | - setupRemoteSubStreamVideoCanvas:forUserID: |
Sets a remote substream canvas. 更多... | |
(int) | - subscribeRemoteSubStreamVideo:forUserID: |
Subscribes to or unsubscribes from remote video substream for screen sharing. 更多... | |
(int) | - setRemoteRenderSubStreamVideoScaleMode:forUserID: |
Sets the display mode of to remote substream video for screen sharing. 更多... | |
(int) | - setAudioSessionOperationRestriction: |
Sets permissions of the SDK over Audio Session. 更多... | |
(int) | - setPlayoutDeviceMute: |
Mutes or unmutes the audio playback device. 更多... | |
(int) | - getPlayoutDeviceMute: |
Gets the mute status of the audio playback device. 更多... | |
(int) | - setRecordDeviceMute: |
Mutes or unmutes the audio capture device. 更多... | |
(int) | - getRecordDeviceMute: |
Checks whether the audio capture device is muted. 更多... | |
(BOOL) | - isCameraZoomSupported |
Checks whether the camera zooming feature is supported. 更多... | |
(BOOL) | - isCameraTorchSupported |
Checks whether the camera flash feature is supported. 更多... | |
(BOOL) | - isCameraFocusSupported |
Checks whether the camera manual focus feature is supported. 更多... | |
(BOOL) | - isCameraExposurePositionSupported |
Checks whether the camera exposure feature is supported. 更多... | |
(int) | - setCameraExposurePosition: |
Sets the camera exposure position. 更多... | |
(int) | - setCameraTorchOn: |
Enables or disables the camera flash feature. 更多... | |
(BOOL) | - isCameraTorchOn |
Check whether the flash is turned on on the device. 更多... | |
(int) | - setCameraZoomFactor: |
Sets the current camera zoom ratio. 更多... | |
(float) | - maxCameraZoomScale |
Gets maximum zoom ratio supported by the camera. 更多... | |
(int) | - setCameraFocusPositionX:Y: |
Sets the camera manual focus position. 更多... | |
(int) | - startAudioMixingWithOption: |
Starts to play or mix the music file. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopAudioMixing |
Stops playing or mixing the music file. 更多... | |
(int) | - pauseAudioMixing |
Pauses playing and mixing the music file. 更多... | |
(int) | - resumeAudioMixing |
The method resumes mixing audio playback and continues playing the mixing audio. 更多... | |
(int) | - setAudioMixingSendVolume: |
Sets the publishing volume of the mixing audio. 更多... | |
(int) | - getAudioMixingSendVolume: |
Gets the volume for publishing mixing audio. 更多... | |
(int) | - setAudioMixingPlaybackVolume: |
Adjusts the volume of mixing audio for local playback. 更多... | |
(int) | - getAudioMixingPlaybackVolume: |
Gets the playback volume of the mixing audio. 更多... | |
(int) | - getAudioMixingDuration: |
Gets the duration of the mixing audio file. 更多... | |
(int) | - getAudioMixingCurrentPosition: |
Gets the playback position of the mixing audio file. 更多... | |
(int) | - setAudioMixingPosition: |
Sets the playback position of the mixing audio file to a different starting position. 更多... | |
(int) | - playEffectWitdId:effectOption: |
Plays back a specified sound effect file. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopEffectWitdId: |
Stops playing all sound effect files. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopAllEffects |
Stops playing all sound effect files. 更多... | |
(int) | - pauseEffectWitdId: |
Pauses playing a specified sound effect file. 更多... | |
(int) | - resumeEffectWitdId: |
Resumes playing a specified sound effect file. 更多... | |
(int) | - pauseAllEffects |
Pauses playing all sound effect files. 更多... | |
(int) | - resumeAllEffects |
Resumes playing all sound effect files. 更多... | |
(int) | - setEffectSendVolumeWithId:volume: |
Sets the publishing volume of a sound effect file. 更多... | |
(int) | - getEffectSendVolumeWithId:volume: |
Gets the publishing volume of a specified sound effect file. 更多... | |
(int) | - setEffectPlaybackVolumeWithId:volume: |
Sets the playback volume of the sound effect files. 更多... | |
(int) | - getEffectPlaybackVolumeWithId:volume: |
Gets the playback volume of the sound effect files 更多... | |
(int) | - getEffectDurationWithId:duration: |
Gets the duration of a sound effect file. 更多... | |
(int) | - getEffectCurrentPositionWithId:position: |
Gets the playback position of a sound effect file. 更多... | |
(int) | - enableEarback:volume: |
Enables the in-ear monitoring feature. 更多... | |
(int) | - setEarbackVolume: |
Sets the volume for in-ear monitoring. 更多... | |
(int) | - startAudioRecording:sampleRate:quality: |
Starts an audio recording from a client. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopAudioRecording |
Stops the audio recording on the client. 更多... | |
(int) | - setExternalAudioSource:sampleRate:channels: |
Sets the external audio input source. 更多... | |
(int) | - pushExternalAudioFrame: |
Publishes the external audio frame. 更多... | |
(int) | - setExternalAudioRender:sampleRate:channels: |
Sets external audio rendering. 更多... | |
(int) | - pullExternalAudioFrame:length: |
Pulls the external audio data. 更多... | |
(int) | - addEngineMediaStatsObserver: |
Registers a stats observer. 更多... | |
(int) | - removeEngineMediaStatsObserver: |
Removes the specified media stats observer. 更多... | |
(int) | - cleanupEngineMediaStatsObserver |
Clears all media stats observers. 更多... | |
(int) | - addLiveStreamTask:compeltion: |
Adds a streaming task in a room. 更多... | |
(int) | - updateLiveStreamTask:compeltion: |
Updates a streaming task. 更多... | |
(int) | - removeLiveStreamTask:compeltion: |
Deletes a streaming task. 更多... | |
(int) | - setRecordingAudioFrameParameters: |
Sets the format of audio capture. 更多... | |
(int) | - setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters: |
Sets the audio playback format. 更多... | |
(int) | - setMixedAudioFrameParameters: |
Sets the format of the recording and mixing audio. 更多... | |
(int) | - setAudioFrameObserver: |
Registers the audio observer. 更多... | |
(int) | - enableAudioVolumeIndication:interval: |
Enables reporting users' volume indication. 更多... | |
(int) | - adjustRecordingSignalVolume: |
Adjusts the volume of captured signals. 更多... | |
(int) | - adjustPlaybackSignalVolume: |
Adjusts the playback signal volume of all remote users. 更多... | |
(int) | - adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume:forUserID: |
Adjust the volume of local signal playback from a specified remote user. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalVoicePitch: |
Sets the voice pitch of the local audio. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalVoiceEqualizationOfBandFrequency:withGain: |
Sets the local voice equalization effect, or customizes center frequencies of the local voice effects. 更多... | |
(int) | - setVoiceBeautifierPreset: |
Sets an SDK preset voice beautifier effect. 更多... | |
(int) | - setAudioEffectPreset: |
Sets an SDK preset voice changer effect. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalCanvasWatermarkConfigs:withStreamType: |
Adds a watermark image to the local video. 更多... | |
(int) | - setRemoteCanvasWatermarkConfigs:forUserID:withStreamType: |
Adds a watermark to the remote video canvas. 更多... | |
(int) | - takeLocalSnapshot:callback: |
Takes a local video snapshot. 更多... | |
(int) | - takeRemoteSnapshot:forUserID:callback: |
Takes a snapshot of a remote video. 更多... | |
(int) | - uploadSdkInfo |
Uploads the SDK information. 更多... | |
(int) | - sendSEIMsg:streamChannelType: |
Sends supplemental enhancement information (SEI) data through a specified bigstream or substream. 更多... | |
(int) | - sendSEIMsg: |
Sends SEI data through the bigstream. 更多... | |
(int) | - startChannelMediaRelay: |
Starts to relay media streams across rooms. 更多... | |
(int) | - updateChannelMediaRelay: |
Updates the information of the destination room for media stream relay. 更多... | |
(int) | - stopChannelMediaRelay |
Stops media stream relay across rooms. 更多... | |
(int) | - enableSuperResolution: |
Enables or disables AI super resolution. 更多... | |
(int) | - enableEncryption:config: |
Turns on or off media stream encryption. 更多... | |
(int) | - setCloudProxy: |
开启并设置云代理服务。 在内网环境下,如果用户防火墙开启了网络限制,请参考《使用云代理》将指定 IP 地址和端口号加入防火墙白名单,然后调用此方法开启云代理,并将 proxyType 参数设置为 NERtcTransportTypeUDPProxy(1),即指定使用 UDP 协议的云代理。 更多... | |
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(NERtcConnectionStateType) | - connectionState |
Gets the connection status. 更多... | |
(int) | - setupEngineWithContext: |
Creates an NERtcEngine instance and initializes the NERTC SDK. 更多... | |
(int) | - joinChannelWithToken:channelName:myUid:completion: |
Joins an RTC room. 更多... | |
(int) | - leaveChannel |
Leaves a room, such as hanging up or ending a call. 更多... | |
(int) | - switchChannelWithToken:channelName:completion: |
Switches to a different RTC room. 更多... | |
(int) | - enableLocalAudio: |
Enables or disables local audio capture. 更多... | |
(int) | - enableLocalVideo: |
Specifies whether to enable local video capture. 更多... | |
(int) | - setChannelProfile: |
Sets a room scene. 更多... | |
(int) | - setLocalVideoConfig: |
Sets the video encoding profile. 更多... | |
(int) | - setAudioProfile:scenario: |
Sets the audio encoding profile. 更多... | |
(int) | - setupLocalVideoCanvas: |
Sets the local view. 更多... | |
(int) | - setupRemoteVideoCanvas:forUserID: |
Sets views for remote users. 更多... | |
(int) | - switchCamera |
Switches between the front and rear cameras. 更多... | |
(int) | - setClientRole: |
Sets the role of a user in live streaming. 更多... | |
(int) | - setParameters: |
Sets parameters for audio and video calls. 更多... | |
NERtcEngine class
+ (int) destroyEngine |
Releases the NERtcEngine instance.
If the app does not need the NERtcEngine instance, you can call this method to release the resources occupied by the NERtcEngine instance.
+ (instancetype) sharedEngine |
Gets the NERtcEngine instance.
After you get the NERtcEngine instance, the instance remains the same until it is deleted by calling the destroyEngine method.