enum | NERtcConnectionStateType {
kNERtcConnectionStateUnknown = 0
, kNERtcConnectionStateDisconnected = 1
, kNERtcConnectionStateConnecting = 2
, kNERtcConnectionStateConnected = 3
kNERtcConnectionStateReconnecting = 4
, kNERtcConnectionStateFailed = 5
} |
| The connection status of the current engine 更多...
enum | NERtcSessionLeaveReason {
kNERtcSessionLeaveNormal = 0
, kNERtcSessionLeaveForFailOver = 1
, kNERTCSessionLeaveForUpdate = 2
, kNERtcSessionLeaveForKick = 3
kNERtcSessionLeaveTimeout = 4
} |
| The reasons why the user leaves the room. 更多...
enum | NERtcClientRole { kNERtcClientRoleBroadcaster = 0
, kNERtcClientRoleAudience = 1
} |
| User role 更多...
enum | NERtcReasonConnectionChangedType {
kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedLeaveChannel = 1
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedChannelClosed = 2
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedBeKicked = 3
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedTimeOut = 4
kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedJoinChannel = 5
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedJoinSucceed = 6
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedReJoinSucceed = 7
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedMediaConnectionDisconnected = 8
kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedSignalDisconnected = 9
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedRequestChannelFailed = 10
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedJoinChannelFailed = 11
, kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedReDispatch = 12
kNERtcReasonConnectionChangedSettingProxyServer = 13
} |
| The reason why the connection status of the engine connection changes. 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoProfileType {
kNERtcVideoProfileLowest = 0
, kNERtcVideoProfileLow = 1
, kNERtcVideoProfileStandard = 2
, kNERtcVideoProfileHD720P = 3
kNERtcVideoProfileHD1080P = 4
, kNERtcVideoProfileMAX = kNERtcVideoProfileHD1080P
, kNERtcVideoProfileFake = 5
} |
| Video profile type 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoFrameRate {
kNERtcVideoFrameRateFpsDefault = 0
, kNERtcVideoFrameRateFps7 = 7
, kNERtcVideoFrameRateFps10 = 10
, kNERtcVideoFrameRateFps15 = 15
kNERtcVideoFrameRateFps24 = 24
, kNERtcVideoFrameRateFps30 = 30
, kNERtcVideoFrameRateFps60 = 60
} |
| Video frame rate -kNERtcVideoFrameRateFpsDefault: By default, the bigstream video frame rate is selected based on maxProfile, and substream video frame rate is set to kNERtcVideoFrameRateFps7. 更多...
enum | NERtcDegradationPreference { kNERtcDegradationDefault = 0
, kNERtcDegradationMaintainFramerate
, kNERtcDegradationMaintainQuality
, kNERtcDegradationBalanced
} |
| Video encoding adaptation preference with limited bandwidth. 更多...
enum | NERtcSubStreamContentPrefer { kNERtcSubStreamContentPreferMotion = 0
, kNERtcSubStreamContentPreferDetails
} |
| Encoding strategy preference for screen sharing 更多...
enum | NERtcRemoteVideoStreamType { kNERtcRemoteVideoStreamTypeHigh
, kNERtcRemoteVideoStreamTypeLow
} |
| The type of the remote video stream 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoPubMode { kNERtcVideoSendOnPubWithNone = 0
, kNERtcVideoSendOnPubWithHigh
, kNERtcVideoSendOnPubWithLow
, kNERtcVideoSendOnPubWithAll
} |
| Video publishing mode 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoRenderScaleMode { kNERtcVideoRenderScaleFit = 0
, kNERtcVideoRenderScaleFullFill = 1
, kNERtcVideoRenderScaleCropFill = 2
} |
| Video rendering zoom mode 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoRotationMode { NERtcVideoRotationModeBySystem = 0
, NERtcVideoRotationModeByApp = 1
} |
| Video rotation Mode. 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoMirrorMode { kNERtcVideoMirrorModeAuto = 0
, kNERtcVideoMirrorModeEnabled = 1
, kNERtcVideoMirrorModeDisabled = 2
} |
| Video mirror mode. 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoOutputOrientationMode { kNERtcVideoOutputOrientationModeAdaptative = 0
, kNERtcVideoOutputOrientationModeFixedLandscape = 1
, kNERtcVideoOutputOrientationModeFixedPortrait = 2
} |
| Video orientation mode. 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoCropMode { kNERtcVideoCropDefault
, kNERtcVideoCropMode16_9
, kNERtcVideoCropMode4_3
, kNERtcVideoCropMode1_1
} |
| Video crop mode 更多...
enum | NERtcRenderType { kNERtcRenderDefault = 0
, kNERtcRenderOpenGL
, kNERtcRenderMetal
} |
| Video rendering type. 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoRotationType { kNERtcVideoRotation_0 = 0
, kNERtcVideoRotation_90 = 90
, kNERtcVideoRotation_180 = 180
, kNERtcVideoRotation_270 = 270
} |
| Rotation direction of video data 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoFormatType { kNERtcVideoFormatI420 = 0
, kNERtcVideoFormatNV12
, kNERtcVideoFormatBGRA
} |
| Video format type 更多...
enum | NERtcStreamChannelType { kNERtcStreamChannelTypeMainStream = 0
, kNERtcStreamChannelTypeSubStream
} |
| Stream type for sending SEI 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioOutputRouting {
kNERtcAudioOutputRoutingDefault = 0
, kNERtcAudioOutputRoutingHeadset
, kNERtcAudioOutputRoutingEarpiece
, kNERtcAudioOutputRoutingLoudspeaker
} |
| Audio route 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioProfileType {
kNERtcAudioProfileDefault = 0
, kNERtcAudioProfileStandard
, kNERtcAudioProfileStandardExtend
, kNERtcAudioProfileMiddleQuality
, kNERtcAudioProfileHighQuality
, kNERtcAudioProfileHighQualityStereo
} |
| Summary of audio quality capabilities Audio profile: sample rate, bitrate, encoding mode, and the number of channels. 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioScenarioType { kNERtcAudioScenarioDefault = 0
, kNERtcAudioScenarioSpeech
, kNERtcAudioScenarioMusic
, kNERtcAudioScenarioChatRoom
} |
| Audio scenarios Different audio scenarios use different audio capture modes (mobile platforms) and playback modes. 更多...
enum | NERtcChannelProfileType { kNERtcChannelProfileCommunication = 0
, kNERtcChannelProfileLiveBroadcasting
} |
| Sets a room scene. 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioSessionOperationRestriction { kNERtcAudioSessionOperationRestrictionNone = 0
, kNERtcAudioSessionOperationRestrictionAll
, kNERtcAudioSessionOperationRestrictionDeactivateSession
} |
| Audio session control permissions The SDK has the permissions of Audio Session 更多...
enum | NERtcMediaPriorityType { kNERtcMediaPriorityHigh = 50
, kNERtcMediaPriorityNormal = 100
} |
enum | NERtcStreamFallbackOptions { kNERtcStreamFallbackOptionDisabled = 0
, kNERtcStreamFallbackOptionVideoStreamLow = 1
, kNERtcStreamFallbackOptionAudioOnly = 2
} |
enum | NERtcAudioRecordingQuality { kNERtcAudioRecordingQualityLow = 0
, kNERtcAudioRecordingQualityMedium = 1
, kNERtcAudioRecordingQualityHigh = 2
} |
| Recording sound quality 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioRecordingCode {
NERtcAudioRecordingCodeErrorSuffix = 1
, kNERtcAudioRecordingOpenFileFailed = 2
, kNERtcAudioRecordingCodeStart = 3
, kNERtcAudioRecordingRecordError = 4
kNERtcAudioRecordingCodeFinish = 5
} |
| The status code of recording callbacks 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioEqualizationBandFrequency {
NERtcAudioEqualizationBand31 = 0
, NERtcAudioEqualizationBand62 = 1
, NERtcAudioEqualizationBand125 = 2
, NERtcAudioEqualizationBand250 = 3
NERtcAudioEqualizationBand500 = 4
, NERtcAudioEqualizationBand1K = 5
, NERtcAudioEqualizationBand2K = 6
, NERtcAudioEqualizationBand4K = 7
NERtcAudioEqualizationBand8K = 8
, NERtcAudioEqualizationBand16K = 9
} |
| The preset value of the spectrum subband index. 更多...
enum | NERtcVoiceChangerType {
kNERtcVoiceChangerOff = 0
, kNERtcVoiceChangerRobot
, kNERtcVoiceChangerGaint
, kNERtcVoiceChangerHorror
, kNERtcVoiceChangerManToWoman
, kNERtcVoiceChangerWomanToMan
, kNERtcVoiceChangerManToLoli
} |
| The preset value of the voice changer 更多...
enum | NERtcVoiceBeautifierType {
kNERtcVoiceBeautifierOff = 0
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierMuffled
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierMellow
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierClear
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierRecordingStudio
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierNature
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierKTV
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierChurch
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierBedroom
, kNERtcVoiceBeautifierLive
} |
| The preset value of the voice beautifier 更多...
enum | NERtcRecordType { kNERtcRecordTypeAll = 0
, kNERtcRecordTypeMix = 1
, kNERtcRecordTypeSingle = 2
} |
| The cloud recording mode that records streams published from the local client. 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioMixingState { kNERtcAudioMixingStateFinished = 0
, kNERtcAudioMixingStateFailed
} |
| The status of the audio mixing task 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioMixingErrorCode {
kNERtcAudioMixingErrorOK = 0
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorFatal
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorCanNotOpen
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorDecode
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorHttpNotFound
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorOpen
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorNInfo
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorNCodec
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorNMem
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorCodecOpen
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorOpenTimeout
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorIoTimeout
, kNERtcAudioMixingErrorIo
} |
| Mixing audio error code 更多...
enum | NERtcNetworkConnectionType {
, kNERtcNetworkConnectionTypeUnknown
, kNERtcNetworkConnectionType2G
, kNERtcNetworkConnectionType3G
, kNERtcNetworkConnectionType5G
, kNERtcNetworkConnectionTypeWiFi
, kNERtcNetworkConnectionTypeWWAN
} |
| Type of network connection 更多...
enum | NERtcLiveStreamAudioSampleRate { kNERtcLiveStreamAudioSampleRate32000 = 32000
, kNERtcLiveStreamAudioSampleRate44100 = 44100
, kNERtcLiveStreamAudioSampleRate48000 = 48000
} |
| Live streaming audio sample rate 更多...
enum | NERtcLiveStreamAudioCodecProfile { kNERtcLiveStreamAudioCodecProfileLCAAC = 0
, kNERtcLiveStreamAudioCodecProfileHEAAC = 1
} |
| Live streaming audio codec profile 更多...
enum | NERtcLiveStreamMode { kNERtcLsModeVideo = 0
, kNERtcLsModeAudio
} |
| Streaming mode in live streaming 更多...
enum | NERtcLiveStreamVideoScaleMode { kNERtcLsModeVideoScaleFit = 0
, kNERtcLsModeVideoScaleCropFill
} |
| Scale mode in live streaming 更多...
enum | NERtcLiveStreamStateCode { kNERtcLsStatePushing = 505
, kNERtcLsStatePushFail = 506
, kNERtcLsStatePushStopped = 511
} |
| Live streaming status code 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioType { kNERtcAudioTypePCM16 = 0
} |
| Audio type 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioFrameOpMode { kNERtcAudioFrameOpModeReadOnly = 0
, kNERtcAudioFrameOpModeReadWrite = 1
} |
| Audio data read and write mode 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioDeviceType { kNERtcAudioDeviceTypeUnknown = 0
, kNERtcAudioDeviceTypeRecord
, kNERtcAudioDeviceTypePlayout
} |
| Audio device type 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoDeviceType { kNERtcVideoDeviceTypeUnknown = 0
, kNERtcVideoDeviceTypeCapture
} |
| Video device type 更多...
enum | NERtcAudioDeviceState { kNERtcAudioDeviceStateInitialized = 0
, kNERtcAudioDeviceStateStarted
, kNERtcAudioDeviceStateStoped
, kNERtcAudioDeviceStateUnInitialized
} |
| Audio device state 更多...
enum | NERtcVideoDeviceState { kNERtcVideoDeviceStateInitialized = 0
, kNERtcVideoDeviceStateStarted
, kNERtcVideoDeviceStateStoped
, kNERtcVideoDeviceStateUnInitialized
} |
| The video device status is unlimited, and the SDK has full control over the Audio Session. 更多...
enum | NERtcNetworkQuality {
kNERtcNetworkQualityUnknown = 0
, kNERtcNetworkQualityExcellent
, kNERtcNetworkQualityGood
, kNERtcNetworkQualityPoor
, kNERtcNetworkQualityVeryBad
, kNERtcNetworkQualityDown
} |
| Network quality 更多...
enum | NERtcChannelMediaRelayState { NERtcChannelMediaRelayStateIdle = 0
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayStateConnecting = 1
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayStateRunning = 2
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayStateFailure = 3
} |
| / State during media stream relay. 更多...
enum | NERtcChannelMediaRelayEvent {
NERtcChannelMediaRelayEventDisconnect = 0
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayEventConnecting = 1
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayEventConnected = 2
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayEventVideoSentToDestChannelSuccess = 3
NERtcChannelMediaRelayEventAudioSentToDestChannelSuccess = 4
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayEventOtherStreamSentToDestChannelSuccess = 5
, NERtcChannelMediaRelayEventFailure = 100
} |
| Events related to the media stream relay. 更多...
enum | NERtcEncryptionMode { NERtcEncryptionModeGMCryptoSM4ECB
} |
| Encryption mode 更多...
enum | NERtcTransportType { NERtcTransportTypeNoneProxy = 0
, NERtcTransportTypeUDPProxy
} |
| 云代理模式。 更多...
enum | NERtcLogLevel {
kNERtcLogLevelFatal = 0
, kNERtcLogLevelError = 1
, kNERtcLogLevelWarning = 2
, kNERtcLogLevelInfo = 3
kNERtcLogLevelDetailInfo = 4
, kNERtcLogLevelDebug = 5
, kNERtcLogLevelVerbose = 6
, kNERtcLogLevelOff = 7
} |
| Log level 更多...