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Chat room SDK for Web

The chat room capability is implemented based on the real-time communication network powered by CommsEase. Users in chat room can interact with each other in real time.

  • NIMChatroomInterface is the entry point of Chatroom SDK, used to establish persistent connections with the CommsEase server, log in, disconnect from the CommsEase server, destroy the instance and implement device exclusion and more.
  • NIMChatroomMemberInterface includes APIs related to members, such as managing administrators, muting or unmuting, updating information in chat rooms, etc.
  • NIMChatroomMessageInterface includes APIs related to messages, such as sending messages and querying the message history.
  • NIMChatroomQueueInterface includes APIs related to chat room queues, such as updating queues and getting the queue lists.
  • CloudStorageInterface includes storage-related APIs, such as uploading and previewing files, converting shortened URL links to full URLs


The following are the parameters for Chatroom.getInstance. Here are only some callback functions. For the complete list of parameters for initialization, see chatroom/types.NIMChatroomGetInstanceOptions.

Parameter Description
appKey [required] AppKey of the application.
account [Required] Account ID.
token [Required] Login credentials for the account.
chatroomId [Required] Chat room ID.
chatroomAddresses [Required] Chat room persistent connection address.
isAnonymous Whether to log in in anonymous mode.
tags tags for the current connection.
onconnect hook function - the callback invoked after the connection is established
onwillreconnect Hook function - callback invoked for reconnection
ondisconnect hook function - callback invoked when the SDK gets disconnected.
onmsgs Hook function - (multi-device sync/online) callback invoked when messages are received.
onconnect hook function - the callback invoked after the tags of the current user are updated.


Chatroom SDK entry point used to establish persistent connections, login, disconnect from the CommsEase server, destroy the chat room instance and more. For a complete list of APIs, see NIMChatroomInterface

Method Description
logout Log out.
disconnect Disconnect from the server.
connect Connect to the server.
destroy Destroy the instance.
updateTags Update the tags of the persistent connection.
getChatroom Get the profile of a chat room.
closeChatroom Close a chat room.
updateChatroom Update the profile of a chat room.


APIs related to members, such as managing administrators, muting or unmuting, updating information in chat rooms, etc. For the complete list of APIs, see NIMChatroomMemberInterface

Method Description
updateMyChatroomMemberInfo Update your information in the chat room
getChatroomMembers Get a list of chat room members
getChatroomMembersByTag Get the number of online chat room members by tag
getChatroomMemberCountByTag Query the number of online members by tag.
markChatroomIdentity Set the role of a member in the chat room
markChatroomManager Set the administrator role for a member.
markChatroomCommonMember Set the regular member role for a member.
markChatroomBlacklist Add a member to the blocklist.
markChatroomGaglist Add a member to the list of muted members.
kickChatroomMember Kick a member from the chat room.
updateChatroomMemberTempMute Temporarily mute a member in a chat room.
updateTagMembersTempMute Temporarily mute a member in a chat room by tag.
updateCoordinate Update coordinates.


Messaging APIs, such as sending a text message, query history message. For the complete list of APIs, see NIMChatroomMessageInterface

Method Description
sendText Send a text message.
sendFile Send a file message.
sendCustomMsg Send a custom message.
sendTipMsg Send an alert.
sendGeo Send a location message
getHistoryMsgs Get the message history of a chat room.
getHistoryMsgsByTags Get the message history of a chat room by tag.
resendMsg Resend the message.


  • Chat room queue refers to a queue consisting of multiple elements (key-value pairs) in a chat room.
  • APIs for managing queues, such as updating a queue and getting a chat room queue. For the complete list of APIs, see NIMChatroomQueueInterface
Method Description
queueOffer Add or update new elements in the queue.
queuePoll Delete an element in the queue.
queueList Get the queue of a chat room queue
peak Get the first element of the queue
queueDrop Clear a queue
queueChange Update multiple elements in a queue.


Server-side conversation APIs, such as querying the list of conversations, querying a specific conversation. For information about the complete APIs, see CloudStorageInterface

Method Description
previewFile Upload and preview files
getNosOriginUrl convert shortened URL to long URL
audioToText Audio to Text
stripImageMeta Remove metadata of an image
qualityImage Modify image quality
interlaceImage interlace image
rotateImage Rotate an image
blurImage Blur an image
cropImage Crop images
thumbnailImage Generate thumbnails
processImage Process images