NERtc iOS SDK  V4.4.301
NERtcEngineDelegate.h 文件参考
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NERtcEngineErrorCode.h"
#import "NERtcEngineEnum.h"
#import "NERtcEngineBase.h"
#import <CoreVideo/CoreVideo.h>


protocol  <NERtcEngineDelegate>
 NERtcEngine Frequently used callbacks 更多...
protocol  <NERtcEngineLiveStreamObserver>
 Returns the streaming status in live streaming. 更多...
protocol  <NERtcEngineVideoFrameObserver>
 Returns the local video data captured. 更多...
protocol  <NERtcEngineAudioSessionObserver>
 Occurs when the audio session is created. 更多...
protocol  <NERtcEngineVideoRenderSink>
 External audio rendering. 更多...
protocol  <NERtcEngineVideoSEIObserver>
 Register as an SEI observer. 更多...
protocol  <NERtcEngineDelegateEx>
 NERtcEngine extended callback. 更多...
protocol  <NERtcEngineAudioFrameObserver>
 Returns the audio data If you need to process audio data, you need to implement this protocol. 更多...