NIM Unity SDK  V2.4.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CClientAPINIM SDK Client APIs, including SDK initialization/cleanup, client login/logout/reconnect/drop/removed
 CDndConfigParamAttributes passed by clients (if Do Not Disturb is enabled, the third party must convert the time to UTC +8 in 24 hours format)
 CNetDetectResultNetwork detection result
 CNIMBroadcastMessageBroadcast messages
 CNIMCustomMessageCustom message base class
 CTeamForecePushMessageGroup push message
 CNIMMessageSettingMessage settings
 CNimUploadProgressDataCallback for NOS upload progress
 CTalkAPIMessage APIs
 CRecallNotificationNotification for recalling messages
 CNIMAudioInfoAudio info for audio to text
 CNIMEventInfoEvent information
 CNIMSubscribeStatusEvent subscription info
 CMonoPInvokeCallbackAttributeDo nothing on windows desktop
 CNativeConfignative dll info
 CChatRoomApiChat room
 CChatRoomInfoChat room info
 CLoginDataChat room login data
 CNIMChatRoomConfigChat room configuration of anonymous login mode
 CMemberInfoChat room members info
 CMessageChat room message
 CUtf8StringMarshalerMarshal unicode string param to utf-8 string,usage:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(Utf8StringMarshaler))]