▼NNIM | |
►NDataSync | |
CDataSyncAPI | |
►NFriend | |
CFriendNativeMethods | |
CFriendAPI | |
CINIMFriendChangedInfo | |
CFriendDeletedInfo | |
CFriendRequestInfo | |
CFriendListSyncInfo | |
CFriendUpdatedInfo | |
CNIMFriendProfile | |
CNIMFriends | |
CNIMFriendProfileChangedArgs | |
►NMessagelog | |
CMsglogNativeMethods | |
CMessagelogAPI | |
CQueryMsglogParams | |
CMsglogQueryResult | |
►NNimException | |
CSdkUninitializedException | |
CVersionUnmatchedException | |
►NNos | |
CUploadResultParam | |
CProgressData | Get the upload or download progress |
CProgressPair | |
CNosAPI | |
CNosTagInfo | |
CNIMNosInitResult | |
CHttpExtendedParameters | NOS extended upload\download interface parameters |
►NPlugin | |
CChatRoom | |
►NRobot | |
CMessageTemplate | Chatbot message template |
CILayout | |
CLinearLayout | |
CIElement | |
CText | |
CImage | |
CLink | |
CRobotMessage | Chatbot message |
CRobotMessageContent | |
CWelcomeMessage | Welcome message |
CTextMessage | Text message |
CRedirectionMessage | Redirection message |
CResponseMessage | Received chatbot messages |
CRobotMessageAttach | |
CResponseContent | |
CBotMessageItem | |
CBotResponse | Chatbot response message |
CFAQMessageItem | |
CFAQMessage | FAQ reply |
CFAQResponse | |
►NSession | |
CSessionAPI | |
CSessionInfo | |
CSesssionInfoList | |
CSessionChangedEventArgs | |
►NSignaling | |
►NNative | |
CSignalingNativeMethods | |
CNIMSignalingChannelInfo_C | Channel properties |
CNIMSignalingChannelDetailedinfo_C | Detailed information about a channel, such as channel profile and member list |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfo_C | Notification message info |
CSignalHelper | |
CNIMSignalingAPI | |
CNIMSignalingChannelInfo | Channel properties |
CNIMSignalingMemberInfo | Member attribute |
CNIMSignalingChannelDetailedinfo | Detailed information about a channel, such as channel profile and member list |
CNIMSignalingPushInfo | Push notification attribute |
CNIMSignalingCreateParam | Parameter for the interface nim_signaling_create |
CNIMSignalingCreateResParam | Get the result |
CNIMSignalingCreateResParam_C | Get the result |
CNIMSignalingCloseParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_close |
CNIMSignalingJoinParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_join |
CJoinResult | |
CChannelDetail | |
CNIMSignalingJoinResParam | Get the result |
CNIMSignalingJoinResParam_C | |
CNIMSignalingAcceptResParam | |
CNIMSignalingCallResParam | |
CNIMSignalingLeaveParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_leave |
CNIMSignalingCallParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_call |
CNIMSignalingInviteParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_invite |
CNIMSignalingCancelInviteParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_cancel_invite |
CNIMSignalingRejectParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_reject |
CNIMSignalingAcceptParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_accept |
CNIMSignalingControlParam | Parameters of the interface nim_signaling_control |
CInviteResult | |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfo | Notification message info |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoClose | Notification for closing a channel , event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeClose |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoJoin | Notification for joining a channel, event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeJoin |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoInvite | Notification for inviting a user to join a channel, event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeInvite |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoLeave | Notification for leaving a channel, event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeLeave |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoControl | Notification for an operation, event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeCtrl |
CNIMSignalingNotityProcessInvite | |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoCancelInvite | Notification message for canceling invitation, event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeCancelInvite |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoReject | Notification message for rejecting invitation, event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeReject |
CNIMSignalingNotityInfoAccept | Notification for receiving an invitation, event_type_=kNIMSignalingEventTypeAccept |
CCNotification | |
CCJoinNotification | |
CCInviteProcessingNotification | |
CCInviteNotification | |
CCNotificationData | |
►NSysMessage | |
CNIMSysMessage | |
CNIMSysMessageContent | |
CNIMSysMsgQueryResult | |
CNIMSysMsgEventArgs | |
CSysMsgAPI | |
CFriendRequestVerify | |
►NTeam | |
CTeamAPI | |
CNIMTeamInfo | Group profile |
CNIMTeamMemberInfo | Group member profile |
CNIMTeamEvent | |
CNIMTeamEventData | |
CNIMTeamEventArgs | |
CTeamNativeMethods | |
►NUser | |
CUserAPI | |
CUserSpecialRelationshipItem | Friendship |
CUserNameCard | |
CUserNameCardChangedArgs | |
CUserRelationshipSyncArgs | |
CUserRelationshipChangedArgs | |
CClientNativeMethods | |
CClientAPI | NIM SDK Client APIs, including SDK initialization/cleanup, client login/logout/reconnect/drop/removed |
CNIMMultiClientLoginInfo | |
CNIMLoginResult | |
CNIMLogoutResult | |
CNIMKickoutOtherDeviceInfo | |
CNIMKickoutResult | |
CNIMMultiSpotLoginNotifyResult | |
CNIMKickOtherResult | |
CLoginResultEventArgs | |
CConfigMultiportPushParam | |
CDndConfigParam | Attributes passed by clients (if Do Not Disturb is enabled, the third party must convert the time to UTC +8 in 24 hours format) |
CGlobalAPI | |
CNetDetectResult | Network detection result |
CCacheFileInfo | |
CNIMGlobalNativeMethods | |
CNIMAudioAttachment | |
CNIMAudioMessage | |
CNIMBroadcastMessage | Broadcast messages |
CNIMCustomMessage | Custom message base class |
CNIMFileMessage | |
CNIMImageAttachment | |
CNIMImageMessage | |
CNIMIMMessage | |
CTeamForecePushMessage | Group push message |
CNIMMessageSetting | Message settings |
CNIMLocationMsgInfo | |
CNIMLocationMessage | |
CNIMMessageAttachment | |
CNIMTeamNotification | |
CNotificationData | |
CNIMTeamNotificationMessage | |
CNIMTextMessage | |
CNIMTipMessage | |
CNIMUnknownMessage | |
CNIMVideoAttachment | |
CNIMVideoMessage | |
CNIMReceivedMessage | |
CReceiveMessageArgs | |
CNIMReceiveMessageEventArgs | |
CMessageAck | |
CMessageArcEventArgs | |
CNimUploadProgressData | Callback for NOS upload progress |
CTalkAPI | Message APIs |
CRecallNotification | Notification for recalling messages |
CTalkNativeMethods | |
CToolsAPI | |
CNIMAudioInfo | Audio info for audio to text |
CNIMTools | |
CNIMEventInfo | Event information |
CNIMEventConfig | |
CNIMSubscribeStatus | Event subscription info |
CNIMSubscribeApi | |
CNIMSubscribeNativeMethods | |
CMonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute | Do nothing on windows desktop |
CNativeConfig | native dll info |
▼NNIMAudio | |
CAudioAPI | |
CAudioNativeMethods | |
▼NNIMChatRoom | |
CChatRoomApi | Chat room |
CChatRoomInfo | Chat room info |
CLoginData | Chat room login data |
CAnonymousInfo | |
CPrivateSetting | |
CNIMChatRoomConfig | Chat room configuration of anonymous login mode |
CMemberInfo | Chat room members info |
CMemberProperty | |
CMessage | Chat room message |
►CNotification | |
CData | |
▼NNimUtility | |
►NJson | |
CJsonBoolConverter | |
CJExtConverter | |
CJsonExtension | JSON serialized object |
CJsonKeyValuePairConverter | |
CJsonParser | |
CDateTimeConvert | DateTimeConvert |
CSdkCommonSetting | |
CSdkPrivateServerSetting | |
CNimConfig | |
CIJsonObject | |
CNimJsonObject | |
CUtf8StringMarshaler | Marshal unicode string param to utf-8 string,usage:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(Utf8StringMarshaler))] |
CUtilities | |
CDelegateBaton | |