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NIM 跨平台 C++ SDK
- 类 nim::QChat
- use V2NIMClient
- 成员 nim::Talk::CreateBotRobotMessage (const std::string &receiver_id, const NIMSessionType session_type, const std::string &client_msg_id, const std::string &content, const IMBotRobot &bot_msg, const MessageSetting &msg_setting, int64_t timetag=0, int32_t sub_type=0)
- 该接口已废弃
- 成员 nim::Talk::ParseBotRobotMessageAttach (const IMMessage &msg, IMBotRobot &robot_msg)
- 该接口已废弃
- 成员 nim::Team::CreateTeamAsync (const TeamInfo &team_info, const std::list< std::string > &ids, const std::string &invitation_postscript, const TeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="")
- 请使用 CreateTeamAsyncEx
- 类 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::FastWriter
- Use StreamWriterBuilder.
- 类 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Reader
- Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder.
- 成员 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Reader::getFormatedErrorMessages () const
- Use getFormattedErrorMessages() instead (typo fix).
- 类 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StyledStreamWriter
- Use StreamWriterBuilder.
- 类 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::StyledWriter
- Use StreamWriterBuilder.
- 成员 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Value::setComment (const char *comment, CommentPlacement placement)
- Always pass len.
- 成员 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::ValueIteratorBase::memberName () const
- This cannot be used for UTF-8 strings, since there can be embedded nulls.
- 类 nim_cpp_wrapper_util::Json::Writer
- Use StreamWriter. (And really, this is an implementation detail.)