Local substream publishing configuration 更多...
#import <NERtcEngineBase.h>
属性 | |
NERtcSubStreamContentPrefer | contentPrefer |
The encoding strategy preference of the screen sharing feature is kNERtcSubStreamContentPreferMotion by default. 更多... | |
属性 继承自 NERtcBaseVideoEncodeConfiguration | |
NERtcVideoProfileType | maxProfile |
Indicates the resolution of video encoding, used to measure encoding quality. 更多... | |
NERtcVideoFrameRate | frameRate |
The frame rate of the video encoding. 更多... | |
NSInteger | minFrameRate |
The minimum frame rate for video encoding. 更多... | |
NSInteger | bitrate |
The bitrate of video encoding in kbps. 更多... | |
NSInteger | minBitrate |
The minimum bitrate of video encoding in kbps. 更多... | |
Local substream publishing configuration
readwritenonatomicassign |
The encoding strategy preference of the screen sharing feature is kNERtcSubStreamContentPreferMotion by default.
For more information, see NERtcSubStreamContentPrefer.