Configuration of streaming tasks in a live event 更多...
#import <NERtcEngineBase.h>
构造函数 | |
(BOOL) | - isInvalid |
Determines whether the options are invalid. 更多... | |
属性 | |
NSString * | taskID |
The ID of a custom streaming task. 更多... | |
NSString * | streamURL |
The streaming URL, such as rtmp://test.url. 更多... | |
BOOL | serverRecordEnabled |
Specifies whether to enable audio and video recording in the CDN relayed streaming. 更多... | |
NERtcLiveStreamMode | lsMode |
The live streaming mode. 更多... | |
NERtcLiveStreamLayout * | layout |
Set the canvas layout of Interactive Live Streaming. 更多... | |
NERtcLiveConfig * | config |
Settings such as encoding parameters of RTC streams. 更多... | |
NSString * | extraInfo |
The reserved parameter, user-defined information sent to the clients in CDN relayed streaming. 更多... | |
Configuration of streaming tasks in a live event
- (BOOL) isInvalid |
Determines whether the options are invalid.
readwritenonatomicstrong |
Settings such as encoding parameters of RTC streams.
For more information, see NERtcLiveConfig.
readwritenonatomiccopy |
The reserved parameter, user-defined information sent to the clients in CDN relayed streaming.
The information is used to add to the SEI in the H264/H265 video. Length limit: 4096 bytes.
readwritenonatomicstrong |
Set the canvas layout of Interactive Live Streaming.
For more information, see NERtcLiveStreamLayout.
readwritenonatomicassign |
The live streaming mode.
The default value is kNERtcLsModeVideo. For more information, see NERtcLiveStreamMode.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Specifies whether to enable audio and video recording in the CDN relayed streaming.
By default, the setting is disabled.
readwritenonatomiccopy |
The streaming URL, such as rtmp://test.url.
The URL can be set to the value of the pushUrl response parameter of the server API used to create a room in NetEase Yunxin live streaming.
readwritenonatomiccopy |
The ID of a custom streaming task.
The ID must be up to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. The ID must be unique.