NERtc iOS SDK  V4.4.301
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NERtcChannelMediaRelayConfiguration类 参考

#import <NERtcEngineBase.h>

类 NERtcChannelMediaRelayConfiguration 继承关系图:


(BOOL) - setDestinationInfo:forChannelName:
 Set the information of the destination room for media stream relay across rooms. 更多...
(BOOL) - removeDestinationInfoForChannelName:
 Delete the information of the destination room for media stream relay across rooms. 更多...


NSDictionary< NSString *, NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo * > *_Nullable destinationInfos
 The settings of the destination room where the media stream is relayed. 更多...
 Information about the source room. 更多...


◆ removeDestinationInfoForChannelName:

- (BOOL) removeDestinationInfoForChannelName: (NSString *_Nonnull)  channelName

Delete the information of the destination room for media stream relay across rooms.

channelNameThe name of the destination room where you want to cancel the media stream relay.
YES: success. NO: failure.

◆ setDestinationInfo:forChannelName:

- (BOOL) setDestinationInfo: (NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo *_Nonnull)  destinationInfo
forChannelName: (NSString *_Nonnull)  channelName 

Set the information of the destination room for media stream relay across rooms.

If you need to forward the media stream to multiple rooms, you can call this method multiple times to set the NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo of multiple rooms. This method supports up to 4 rooms.

destinationInfoDestination room information. For more information, see NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo.
channelNameThe name of the destination room where the media stream is relayed. This parameter is required and must be consistent with the channelName in the destinationInfo parameter of the method.
YES: success. NO: failure.


◆ destinationInfos

- (NSDictionary<NSString *, NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo *>* _Nullable) destinationInfos

The settings of the destination room where the media stream is relayed.

For more information, see NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo.

  • channelName: The name of the destination room. -Token: A token that can be used to join the room.
  • uid: Identifies the UID of the media stream in the room. Make sure that this parameter is not set to the UID of the host in the destination room, and all uids are different in the room.

◆ sourceInfo

- (NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo*) sourceInfo

Information about the source room.

For more information, see NERtcChannelMediaRelayInfo.

-channelName: the name of the source room. -Token: The token that can be added to the source room.

  • uid: Identifies the UID of the media stream in the room.
