5 #ifndef INERtcEngineEx_h
6 #define INERtcEngineEx_h
33 - (int)enableDualStreamMode:(BOOL)enable;
97 - (int)muteLocalAudio:(BOOL)muted;
111 - (int)subscribeRemoteAudio:(BOOL)subscribe forUserID:(uint64_t)userID;
124 - (int)subscribeAllRemoteAudio:(BOOL)subscribe;
220 - (int)muteLocalVideo:(BOOL)muted;
232 - (int)setLoudspeakerMode:(
242 - (int)getLoudspeakerMode:(
bool *)enabled;
261 #pragma mark -- External Video Input
280 - (int)setExternalVideoSource:(BOOL)enable isScreen:(BOOL)isScreen;
298 #pragma mark -- Sub Stream
369 - (int)setupRemoteSubStreamVideoCanvas:(
NERtcVideoCanvas *)canvas forUserID:(uint64_t)userID;
382 - (int)subscribeRemoteSubStreamVideo:(BOOL)subscribe forUserID:(uint64_t)userID;
397 #pragma mark - AUDIO SESSION
413 #pragma mark -- AUDIO DEVICE MANAGER
421 - (int)setPlayoutDeviceMute:(
429 - (int)getPlayoutDeviceMute:(
bool *)muted;
438 - (int)setRecordDeviceMute:(
447 - (int)getRecordDeviceMute:(
bool *)muted;
450 #pragma mark -- CAMERA & TORCH SETTINGS
509 - (int)setCameraExposurePosition:(CGPoint)positionInView;
521 - (int)setCameraTorchOn:(BOOL)on;
543 - (int)setCameraZoomFactor:(
569 - (int)setCameraFocusPositionX:(
float)focusX Y:(
571 #pragma mark -- AUDIO MIXING
622 - (int)setAudioMixingSendVolume:(uint32_t)volume;
632 - (int)getAudioMixingSendVolume:(uint32_t *)volume;
642 - (int)setAudioMixingPlaybackVolume:(uint32_t)volume;
652 - (int)getAudioMixingPlaybackVolume:(uint32_t *)volume;
662 - (int)getAudioMixingDuration:(uint64_t *)duration;
672 - (int)getAudioMixingCurrentPosition:(uint64_t *)position;
682 - (int)setAudioMixingPosition:(uint64_t)position;
684 #pragma mark -- AUDIO EFFECT
711 - (int)stopEffectWitdId:(uint32_t)effectId;
729 - (int)pauseEffectWitdId:(uint32_t)effectId;
739 - (int)resumeEffectWitdId:(uint32_t)effectId;
768 - (int)setEffectSendVolumeWithId:(uint32_t)effectId volume:(uint32_t)volume;
779 - (int)getEffectSendVolumeWithId:(uint32_t)effectId volume:(uint32_t *)volume;
790 - (int)setEffectPlaybackVolumeWithId:(uint32_t)effectId volume:(uint32_t)volume;
799 - (int)getEffectPlaybackVolumeWithId:(uint32_t)effectId volume:(uint32_t *)volume;
814 - (int)getEffectDurationWithId:(uint32_t)effectId duration:(uint64_t *)duration;
829 - (int)getEffectCurrentPositionWithId:(uint32_t)effectId position:(uint64_t *)position;
831 #pragma mark -- In-ear monitoring
844 - (int)enableEarback:(BOOL)enabled volume:(uint32_t)volume;
852 - (int)setEarbackVolume:(uint32_t)volume;
854 #pragma mark -- audio recording
889 #pragma mark --External Audio
909 - (int)setExternalAudioSource:(BOOL)enabled sampleRate:(int32_t)sampleRate channels:(int32_t)channels;
949 - (int)setExternalAudioRender:(BOOL)enabled sampleRate:(int32_t)sampleRate channels:(int32_t)channels;
965 - (int)pullExternalAudioFrame:(
void *_Nonnull)data length:(
967 #pragma mark -- Media Statistic Observer
993 #pragma mark -- Live Stream
1042 #pragma mark -- Audio Frame Observer
1102 #pragma mark -- Volume indication
1115 - (int)enableAudioVolumeIndication:(BOOL)enable interval:(uint64_t)interval;
1118 #pragma mark - Signal Volume
1130 - (int)adjustRecordingSignalVolume:(uint32_t)volume;
1143 - (int)adjustPlaybackSignalVolume:(uint32_t)volume;
1161 - (int)adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume:(uint32_t)volume forUserID:(uint64_t)userID;
1163 #pragma mark - voice effects
1178 - (int)setLocalVoicePitch:(
1221 #pragma mark - waterMark
1252 forUserID:(uint64_t)userID
1255 #pragma mark - snapshot
1289 #pragma mark -- Other
1348 - (int)sendSEIMsg:(NSData *)data;
1350 #pragma mark- MediaRealy
1407 - (int)enableSuperResolution:(BOOL)enabled;
void(^ NERtcTakeSnapshotCallback)(int errorCode, UIImage *_Nullable image)
Returns the screenshot.
Definition: INERtcEngine.h:40
void(^ NERtcLiveStreamCompletion)(NSString *taskId, kNERtcLiveStreamError errorCode)
Interactive live streaming.
Definition: INERtcEngine.h:32
The preset value of the spectrum subband index.
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:490
The preset value of the voice changer
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:516
Video rotation Mode.
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:236
Recording sound quality
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:456
The type of the remote video stream
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:200
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:435
Stream type for sending SEI
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:336
Audio session control permissions The SDK has the permissions of Audio Session
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:417
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:866
The preset value of the voice beautifier
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:540
Video rendering zoom mode
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:224
Definition: NERtcEngineEnum.h:428
The audio frame
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:596
Canvas watermark settings.
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:835
Options for creating audio effects
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:248
Options for creating mixing audios
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:199
Configure the media stream encryption mode and key.
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:857
Configuration of streaming tasks in a live event
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:493
Configures the video canvas.
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:53
Video frame information
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:634
Local substream publishing configuration
Definition: NERtcEngineBase.h:184
The common interface of NERtcEngine.
Definition: INERtcEngine.h:49
NERtcEngine extended API
Definition: INERtcEngineEx.h:18
BOOL isCameraZoomSupported()
Checks whether the camera zooming feature is supported.
int stopPreview()
Stops video preview.
int stopAudioRecording()
Stops the audio recording on the client.
int stopAudioDump()
Stops recording an audio dump file.
int startPreview()
Enables video preview.
BOOL isCameraFocusSupported()
Checks whether the camera manual focus feature is supported.
int stopChannelMediaRelay()
Stops media stream relay across rooms.
BOOL isCameraTorchOn()
Check whether the flash is turned on on the device.
BOOL isCameraTorchSupported()
Checks whether the camera flash feature is supported.
int pauseAudioMixing()
Pauses playing and mixing the music file.
int uploadSdkInfo()
Uploads the SDK information.
int stopScreenCapture()
Disables screen sharing with the substream transmission.
BOOL isCameraExposurePositionSupported()
Checks whether the camera exposure feature is supported.
int startAudioDump()
Starts recording an audio dump file.
int resumeAllEffects()
Resumes playing all sound effect files.
int cleanupEngineMediaStatsObserver()
Clears all media stats observers.
int stopAudioMixing()
Stops playing or mixing the music file.
int resumeAudioMixing()
The method resumes mixing audio playback and continues playing the mixing audio.
float maxCameraZoomScale()
Gets maximum zoom ratio supported by the camera.
int pauseAllEffects()
Pauses playing all sound effect files.
int stopAllEffects()
Stops playing all sound effect files.
Returns the audio data If you need to process audio data, you need to implement this protocol.
Definition: NERtcEngineDelegate.h:565