Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- MacAddress
: NIM.NIMMultiClientLoginInfo
- MainHeight
: NIM.CustomLayout
- MainWidth
: NIM.CustomLayout
- MarkMessagesStatusRead()
: NIM.Messagelog.MessagelogAPI
- MarshalManagedToNative()
: NimUtility.Utf8StringMarshaler
- MarshalNativeToManaged()
: NimUtility.Utf8StringMarshaler
- MaxLoginRetry
: NimUtility.SdkCommonSetting
- MaxVideoRate
: NIM.NIMJoinRoomJsonEx
, NIM.NIMRts.RtsStartInfo
, NIM.NIMVChatInfo
- MD5
: NIM.NIMMessageAttachment
- member_
: NIM.Signaling.Native.NIMSignalingNotityInfoJoin_C
, NIM.Signaling.NIMSignalingNotityInfoJoin
- member_size_
: NIM.Signaling.Native.NIMSignalingChannelDetailedinfo_C
- MemberIcon
: NIMChatRoom.MemberInfo
- MemberId
: NIMChatRoom.MemberInfo
, NIMChatRoom.MemberProperty
- MemberInfo
: NIM.NIMTeamNotification
, NIM.Team.NIMTeamEvent
, NIMChatRoom.MemberInfo
- MemberListTimetag
: NIM.Team.NIMTeamInfo
- members_
: NIM.Signaling.Native.NIMSignalingChannelDetailedinfo_C
, NIM.Signaling.NIMSignalingChannelDetailedinfo
- MembersCount
: NIM.Team.NIMTeamInfo
- MemberType
: NIMChatRoom.MemberInfo
, NIMChatRoom.QueryChatRoomMembersParam
- Message
: NIM.Friend.FriendRequestInfo
, NIM.NIMReceiveMessageEventArgs
, NIM.NimUploadProgressData
, NIM.Nos.ProgressData
, NIM.ReceiveMessageArgs
, NIM.Robot.FAQResponse
, NIM.SysMessage.NIMSysMessageContent
, NIM.SysMessage.NIMSysMsgEventArgs
, NIMChatRoom.Message
- MessageArcEventArgs()
: NIM.MessageArcEventArgs
- MessageAttachment
: NIMChatRoom.Message
- MessageContent
: NIM.NIMReceivedMessage
- MessageType
: NIM.NIMIMMessage
, NIMChatRoom.Message
- MimeType
: NIM.NIMAudioInfo
- Mobile
: NIM.User.UserNameCard
- Mode
: NIM.NIMRts.RtsStartInfo
- MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute()
: NIM.MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute
- MP4_Close
: NIM.NIMVChatMP4State
- MP4_Start
: NIM.NIMVChatMP4State
- MsgAckRead()
: NIM.Team.TeamAPI
- MsgAnchorTimttag
: NIM.NIM.Messagelog.QueryMsglogParams
- MsgCollection
: NIM.SysMessage.NIMSysMsgQueryResult
- MsgId
: NIM.MessageAck
- MsgID
: NIM.NIMBroadcastMessage
- MsgId
: NIM.RecallNotification
, NIM.Session.SessionInfo
- MsgLocalExist
: NIM.RecallNotification
- MsglogCollection
: NIM.NIM.Messagelog.MsglogQueryResult
- MsgLogStatus
: NIM.NIMIMMessage
- MsgLogSubStatus
: NIM.NIMIMMessage
- MsgOut
: NIM.Robot.RobotMessageAttach
- MsgTimetag
: NIM.RecallNotification
- MsgType
: NIM.Robot.RedirectionMessage
, NIM.Robot.RobotMessageContent
, NIM.Robot.TextMessage
, NIM.Robot.WelcomeMessage
, NIM.Session.SessionInfo
, NIM.SysMessage.NIMSysMessageContent
- MsgTypes
: NIMChatRoom.QueryMessageHistoryParam
- MultiPortConfig
: NIM.NIMEventInfo
- MultiSpotLoginNotifyResultHandler()
: NIM.ClientAPI
- MultiSync
: NIM.NIMIMMessage
, NIM.NIMMessageSetting
- MuteAll
: NIM.Team.NIMTeamInfo
- Muted
: NIMChatRoom.Notification.Data
- MuteDuration
: NIMChatRoom.Notification.Data
- MuteTeam()
: NIM.Team.TeamAPI
- MuteType
: NIM.Team.NIMTeamInfo