NIM PC Cross Platform SDK
This is the complete list of members for nim_chatroom::ChatRoom, including all inherited members.
AnonymousEnter(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomAnoymityEnterInfo &anonymity_info, const ChatRoomEnterInfo &info, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
AnonymousEnter2(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomAnoymityEnterInfo &anonymity_info, const ChatRoomEnterInfo &info, const NIMChatRoomConfigGetter config_getter) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
Cleanup(const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
CreateRoomMessage(const NIMChatRoomMsgType msg_type, const std::string &client_msg_id, const std::string &attach, const std::string &msg_body, const ChatRoomMessageSetting &msg_setting, int64_t timetag=0, int32_t msg_sub_type=0, const std::string &target_tags="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
CustomTokenCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
Enter(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &request_login_data, const ChatRoomEnterInfo &info=ChatRoomEnterInfo(), const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
EnterCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
Exit(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
ExitCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
ExitCallback_2 typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
GetChatRoomInfoCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
GetInfoAsync(const int64_t room_id, const GetChatRoomInfoCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetLoginState(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetMemberInfoByIDsAsync(const int64_t room_id, const std::list< std::string > &ids, const GetMembersCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetMembersByTagOnlineAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomGetMembersByTagParameters ¶meters, const GetMembersCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetMembersCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
GetMembersCountByTagCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
GetMembersCountByTagOnlineAsync(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &target_tag, const GetMembersCountByTagCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetMembersOnlineAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomGetMembersParameters ¶meters, const GetMembersCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetMessageHistoryByTagsOnlineAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomGetMsgHistoryByTagsParameters ¶meters, const GetMsgHistoryCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetMessageHistoryOnlineAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomGetMsgHistoryParameters ¶meters, const GetMsgHistoryCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
GetMsgHistoryCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
GetRobotInfoAsync(const int64_t room_id, const int64_t timetag, const RobotQueryCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
IndependentEnter(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomIndependentEnterInfo &info) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
IndependentEnter2(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomIndependentEnterInfo &info, const NIMChatRoomConfigGetter config_getter) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
Init(const std::string &app_install_dir, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
KickMemberAsync(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &id, const std::string ¬ify_ext, const KickMemberCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
KickMemberCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
LinkConditionCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
NotificationCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
QueryAllRobotInfosBlock(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueryRobotInfoByAccidBlock(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &accid, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueueBatchUpdateAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomBatchMembers &batch_elements, bool need_notify, const std::string ¬ify_ext, const QueueBatchUpdateCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueueBatchUpdateCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
QueueDropAsync(const int64_t room_id, const QueueDropCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueueDropCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
QueueHeaderAsync(const int64_t room_id, const QueueHeaderCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueueHeaderCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
QueueListAsync(const int64_t room_id, const QueueListCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueueListCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
QueueOfferAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomQueueElement &element, const QueueOfferCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="{\"transient\":true}") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueueOfferAsyncEx(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomQueueElement &element, const ChatRoomQueueOfferOption &option, const QueueOfferCallback &callback) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueueOfferCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
QueuePollAsync(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &element_key, const QueuePollCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
QueuePollCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
ReceiveMsgCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
ReceiveMsgsCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
RegCustomTokenCb(const CustomTokenCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegEnterCb(const EnterCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegExitCb(const ExitCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegExitCb_2(const ExitCallback_2 &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegLinkConditionCb(const LinkConditionCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegNotificationCb(const NotificationCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegReceiveMsgCb(const ReceiveMsgCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegReceiveMsgsCb(const ReceiveMsgsCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegSDKLogCallback(const SDKLogCallback &callback) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegSendMsgAckCb(const SendMsgAckCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RegTagsChangedCb(const TagsChangedCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") (defined in nim_chatroom::ChatRoom) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
RobotQueryCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
SDKClosure typedef (defined in nim_chatroom::ChatRoom) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
SDKLogCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
SendMsg(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &json_msg, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
SendMsg(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomMessage &message, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
SendMsgAckCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
SetMemberAttributeCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
SetMemberAttributeOnlineAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomSetMemberAttributeParameters ¶meters, const SetMemberAttributeCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
SetMsgsBatchReport(bool set_batch, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
SetProxy(NIMChatRoomProxyType type, const std::string &host, int port, const std::string &user, const std::string &password) | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
TagsChangedCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
TempMuteMemberAsync(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &accid, const int64_t duration, bool need_notify, const std::string ¬ify_ext, const TempMuteMemberCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
TempMuteMemberByTagAsync(const int64_t room_id, const std::string &target_tag, const int64_t duration, bool need_notify, const std::string ¬ify_ext, const TempMuteMemberCallback &callback, const std::string ¬ify_tags="", const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
TempMuteMemberCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
UnregChatroomCb() | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
UpdateLocation(const int64_t room_id, NIMChatRoomLocation location, const UpdateLocationCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
UpdateLocationCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
UpdateMyRoomRoleAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomMemberInfo &info, bool need_notify, const std::string ¬ify_ext, const UpdateMyRoomRoleCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
UpdateMyRoomRoleCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
UpdateRoomInfoAsync(const int64_t room_id, const ChatRoomInfo &info, bool need_notify, const std::string ¬ify_ext, const UpdateRoomInfoCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
UpdateRoomInfoCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | |
UpdateTags(const int64_t room_id, ChatRoomUpdateTagsInfo tags_info, const UpdateTagsCallback &callback, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom | static |
UpdateTagsCallback typedef | nim_chatroom::ChatRoom |