NIM PC Cross Platform SDK
This is the complete list of members for nim::SuperTeam, including all inherited members.
AcceptInvitationAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &invitor_id, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
AddManagersAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::list< std::string > &ids, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
ApplyJoinAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &reason, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
InviteAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::list< std::string > &ids, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
InviteAsync2(const std::string &tid, const std::list< std::string > &ids, const std::string &invitation_postscript, const std::string &invitation_attachment, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
KickAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::list< std::string > &ids, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
LeaveAsync(const std::string &tid, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
MuteAsync(const std::string &tid, bool set_mute, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
MuteMemberAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &member_id, bool set_mute, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
ParseSuperTeamInfo(const std::string &json_team_info, SuperTeamInfo &team_info) | nim::SuperTeam | static |
PassJoinApplyAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &applicant_id, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QueryAllMySuperTeamsAsync(const QueryAllMySuperTeamsCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QueryAllMySuperTeamsCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
QueryAllMySuperTeamsInfoAsync(const QueryAllMySuperTeamsInfoCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QueryAllMySuperTeamsInfoCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
QueryMuteListAsync(const std::string &tid, const QuerySuperTeamMembersCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QueryMyAllMemberInfosAsync(const QueryMyAllMemberInfosCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QueryMyAllMemberInfosCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
QuerySuperTeamInfoAsync(const std::string &tid, const QuerySuperTeamInfoCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QuerySuperTeamInfoBlock(const std::string &tid) | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QuerySuperTeamInfoCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
QuerySuperTeamInfoOnlineAsync(const std::string &tid, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QuerySuperTeamMemberAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &id, const QuerySuperTeamMemberCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QuerySuperTeamMemberBlock(const std::string &tid, const std::string &id) | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QuerySuperTeamMemberCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
QuerySuperTeamMembersAsync(const std::string &tid, const QuerySuperTeamMembersCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
QuerySuperTeamMembersCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
QuerySuperTeamMembersOnlineCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
QuerySuperTeamsInfoByKeywordAsync(const std::string &keyword, const QueryAllMySuperTeamsInfoCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
RegSuperTeamEventCb(const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
RejectInvitationAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &invitor_id, const std::string &reason, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
RejectJoinApplyAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &applicant_id, const std::string &reason, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
RemoveManagersAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::list< std::string > &ids, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
SuperTeamEventCallback typedef | nim::SuperTeam | |
TransferTeamAsync(const std::string &tid, const std::string &new_owner_id, bool is_leave, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
UnregSuperTeamCb() | nim::SuperTeam | static |
UpdateMyPropertyAsync(const SuperTeamMemberProperty &prop, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
UpdateOtherNickAsync(const SuperTeamMemberProperty &prop, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |
UpdateSuperTeamInfoAsync(const std::string &tid, const SuperTeamInfo &team_info, const SuperTeamEventCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::SuperTeam | static |