NIM Cocos2d-x SDK
This is the complete list of members for nim::Tool, including all inherited members.
GetAudioTextAsync(const AudioInfo &audio_info, const GetAudioTextCallback &cb, const std::string &json_extension="") | nim::Tool | static |
GetAudioTextCallback typedef | nim::Tool | |
GetCurModuleDir() | nim::Tool | static |
GetFileMd5(const std::string &file_path) | nim::Tool | static |
GetLocalAppdataDir() | nim::Tool | static |
GetMd5(const std::string &input) | nim::Tool | static |
GetSpecificAppdataDir(const std::string app_account, enum NIMAppDataType appdata_type) | nim::Tool | static |
GetUserAppdataDir(const std::string &app_account) | nim::Tool | static |
GetUuid() | nim::Tool | static |
IsTextMatchedKeywords(const std::string &text, const std::string &lib_name) | nim::Tool | static |
ReplaceTextMatchedKeywords(const std::string &text, const std::string &replace, const std::string &lib_name) | nim::Tool | static |